99.new years kiss

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POV Aaron's girlfriend who's name forgot I'm so sorry 😂😅

We were all in the living room, our perspective glued to the tv. The television was illuminated with various colours from the New Year countdown sphere. Cheering danced out of the speakers and spun throughout the house. Filling the atmosphere with bright renewing spirit. The numbers on the screen deducted inch by inch.

As the timer tick down, we got our glasses ready to clink. I glanced around, spotting joy on everyone's faces. I smiled, enjoying an outside look into this little crazy life I'm apart of.

"I'm so excited!" Colby squealed, snapping me out of my overview.

"I know!" Jake replied excitement building up in the tone. I clench my glass of sparkling apple cider, so tempted to drink it all before the new year.

"I haven't watched the ball drop in years!." Aaron laughed, "It's....weird."

"Why, cause you been playing video games?" Sam intervene with his sentence mysteriously.
"To be honest, yes!"
"Wow." Sam stared.

My attention snap back to the countdown.
"Ten!" Colby, Jake and I squealed feeling the thrill of anticipation simmering in our bloodstreams.

"Nine!" The two left out boys got involved.
"Eight" We yelled in dysfunctional harmony. Over joyed with the count down, I shifted to stand on my tippy-toes.
"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" We all cheered in our own unique voices, lifting our drinks high in the air. Immediately after we all clink our glasses. The sound of glasses hugging each other setted the mood.

Finally being able to take an actually sip, I smiled pleasantly as the bubbly sensation develops in my belly.

"Happy New Year!" I yelled, smiling from ear to ear.
"Happy New Year!" Jake cheered back.
"Happy New Year!" Aaron hugged me from behind and kiss my cheek. I giggled at his affection.

"Happy New Ye-!" I heard Sam getting cut short on his celebrating. My eyes switched to view the foreigners. Colby, already in the middle of dipping Sam and kissing him.

"Aww man, they're so cute!" Aaron fangirled behind me as the boys finished kissing.
"You guys are such solby trash." Jake pointed out, shaking his head.

Laughter surged through the oxygen we breathed. Colby giggled, covering his face with his hand. While Sam tried to hide the blush upon his face by ignoring the situation. He wasn't that good, you can clearly see him beaming with Senpai-Noticed-Me expression.

"Oh!" Aaron abruptly spout, walking over to the red-faced Sam.
"Uhhm?" Sam studied the figure in front of him. Aaron's eyes examined Sam and flickered over to Colby for a second. In one swift movement, Aaron kissed Sam.

My mind tried to register the proper emotion to feel about this situation. My point of view flickered to Colby, in which he was too switching his sight from this abrupt event to me. Awkwardly, we both knew we had the same thing on our minds: Did our boyfriends just kissed each other?

"Oh-" Sam too shock to even register what happen after Aaron pulled away, grinning heavenly. Colby and I burst into uncomfortable, graceless, giggles with a questioning Jake beside me.

"I just completed my resolution." Aaron nonchalant spoke.
"A-a-and what would thaAT be?" Sam inquired, still bit dazed of the current event.
"I kissed a hot boy!"
Soundwaves from Jake's facepalm erupted into the room. "Oh God." He continues to laugh awkwardly. Colby slides next to me to communicate better.

"I think your boyfriend is gay." Colby suggested as a whisper with a smirk plastered on his face.
"Well, that would explain a lot." I joked back, nodding, acting sincerely.

"YOU ALREADY FUCKING KNOW I'M PANSEXUAL, YOU ASSHOLE!!!!" Aaron yelled laughing maniacally along with his words. His outraged laughter was contagious and before anyone knew it we all infected with the Laughing disease

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