37.That's why sport is dangerous

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"It's going to be fun!" Elton said.

"But Elton, I hate sports and you know it" Sam said, walking beside his friend.

"Frisbee golf won't be any different."

"I know, I know. But we have to do something and the other option was jogging so this is better" he said and sighed.

Sam bumped his best friend's shoulder.

"I was joking! Running is like the worst thing."

It was a sports day in Sam and Elton's school and the students had to choose something to do on that day. There weren't that many options so Sam and Elton had decided to go frisbee golfing.

They arrived to the first tee and looked around. It was on a hill that was surrounded by a beautiful park with no one in sight.

"At least we get to be alone" Sam said and dropped his bag which contained the frisbees.

"A perfect place for two of the most unsocial people in the world" Elton added.

Sam laughed. "What are we even supposed to do? I have no idea how to frisbee golf!"

"I did some research and seemingly we are supposed to throw the disc in a basket." Elton explained and pointed at a basket on the left.

I was approximately 50 metres down hill.

"Mm, okay. I'm still confused but I guess it's not that serious." Sam shrugged.

Elton grabbed a disc from his bag and examined it. "I think this is a good one. It says it's a 'mid-range disc' so it should be easy to throw. At least according to the website"

"OK, go on then" Sam smiled. He couldn't wait to see how Elton would fail.

Elton moved to stand on the mat and tried to aim. It was hopeless so he decided to just throw and see what would happen.

The disc wobbled in the air and flew about 10 metres before hitting the ground.

"I thought it would fly at least 30 metres!" Elton exclaimed. "Why is the basket so far away?"

"Maybe we are just noobs in this. Some people might throw them 30 metres." Sam said and stepped on the mat. He didn't bother to aim and just threw the disc.

It flew in completely wrong direction! Sam watched as the disc disappeared behind a bush on the right.


Elton couldn't stop laughing. "That was amazing! You should definitely do this as a job!"

"Ha ha very funny Elton." Sam said sarcastically. "How do we continue this thing?"

"We have to find out discs and throw them again."

"Are you serious?" Sam said, hating the game already. "I'll never find it!"

"Of course you will! It's behind that bush." Elton said and pointed at the bush Sam's disc had flown in.

Sam sighed and began on walking towards the bush. He had a weird feeling about this whole game. Like something bad was going to happen.

"Sam" Elton shouted, "I'm going to throw first, okay?"

"Yeah, sure!"

Elton's throw was really good. It landed right under the basket.

"Did you see that!?" He shouted. Elton was much more into this game than Sam was.

"Yes Elton! Mind your head I'll throw now!" Sam shouted back and adjusted his posture. He pulled his hand back and with great velocity threw the disc towards the basket.

However, the disc didn't land even near the basket. It hit someone in the head!

"Oh my god!" Sam shouted and run toward the man who was now lying in the ground. "Elton come here quickly!"

As Sam made it beside the man, he noticed that his eyes were shut and he looked unconscious.

He had a kinda like emo haircut in brown. "Hello? Are you awake?" Sam asked and shook the man. He got no answer.

Elton arrived next to Sam. "What happened? Did you hit him with the disc?"

"Yes! He's not waking up!" Sam was starting to panic and shook the man even harder. Suddenly his eyes fluttered and his face scrunched up a bit.

"Are you alright?" Elton asked.

The man made a incoherent noise and opened his bright blue eyes. Sam examined his facial expressions, trying to find a sign that he was alright.

"What happened?" the man asked with a hoarse voice. "Where am I?

"Um, I hit you with a frisbee. I'm sorry" Sam said.

The man blinked slowly and looked Sam in the eyes.

"It's fine. I shouldn't have been here anyway. I should have been jogging but I skived."

"Are you in our school too?" Elton asked.

"I guess." The man said, not breaking eye contact with Sam. "You look pretty"

Sam blushed. "Wh- What? No... I mean, thank you!"

"I'm Colby, nice to meet you." He smiled.

"I'm Sam." He said. Why was he so awkward? "Nice to meet you too."

"I'm Elton." Elton said but neither of the boys were paying attention on him.

Sam inhaled deeply. "I think we should take you to the hospital."

"You think so? Well, my head hurts quite a lot so it wouldn't hurt right?" Colby said slowly.

Elton run from the park to get his car closer. Sam helped Coby to stand up from the ground and tried to support him. He wrapped his arm around Colby's waist and began to walk him to the car.

They stumbled forward and because Sam was about the same hight as Colby, he was able to get him in the car safely. He decided to sit in the back with Colby and let Elton drive.

The ride went nicely and when they parked at the hospital parking lot, Colby was already more energetic than before.

"We'll get you inside and then leave, is that okay? Or do you want company?" Sam asked Colby.

Colby looked at Sam and thought for a minute. "No it's fine. I can make it on my own. Thank you for your help!"


A week later Sam was walking down the halls of his school when he heard a voice coming from behind him.

"Sam! Wait, I need to talk to you!"

Sam turned around and saw a tall brown haired man running towards him. "Colby! I haven't seen you since... you know."

"Sam, forget about it! I'm okay." Colby assured him. "And if you hadn't hit me, I would've never met you. And I am glad I did 'cause you're the prettiest human I've ever seen." Colby smiled at him.

Sam blushed. Did Colby really think he was pretty? He had assumed that Colby had been a bit dazed when he had called Sam pretty.

"Anyway, I would really like to be your friend." Colby said and smiled at Sam.

"Um... I guess we can try that. Wanna have lunch with me?" Sam asked shyly.

"Sounds great! School cafeteria?"

"Nah, that's not a good place. How about Starbucks?" Sam suggested.

Colby's eyes lit up. "I love Starbucks! Let's go there!"

Sam and Colby left the school grounds and made their way toward the nearest Starbucks. Sam had many questions in his head and one of them was very easy to solve.

"Is this a date Colby?"

"I thought it was obvious." He said and took Sam's hand in his own.

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