60.You Have 1 Month part1

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Sam looks beautiful, Colby thinks. The blonde boy is lying on his back as he tries to catch his breath and and making it difficult for Colby not to stare. They're both naked and if you look, you can see where Sam's fingers left quickly darkening bruises on Colby's hips. The brown boy secretly loves when Sam accidently marks him. Colby secretly loves Sam.

Sam huffs and draws Colby's eyes from his sweat slicked chest back to his face. He looks tired as if he hasn't slept in a day or two. Colby wants to ask why, but is too worried that it will cross into a more personal topic that they may have agreed to avoid.

The slightly smaller boy stands and begins to slide his boxers on. "Thanks, Colbs." He gives a friendly smile and Colby knows that Sam is waiting for him to get dressed and leave. Colby tries not to once again be affected by the way he feels after they do this, when Sam treats him like a friend and as if his dick hadn't been inside him five minutes ago.

Colby rubs his eyes and slides out from under the covers to find his clothes and leaves without a goodbye.

You see Sam and Colby have a kind of complicated relationship. They are strangers, roommates, friends and friends with benefits. It's hard to explain what they are to eachother but one thing is as clear as glass. Colby doesn't like seeing his roommate fuck thousands of girls in their dorm appartement but also he feels special because he was the only boy Sam ever fucked. This fact makes him smile as he left Sam's room to go to his own.


"Stop looking at him." Brennen says as he sits down beside Colby and gets out his notes.

"I'm not." Colby denies as he gets out his pen and pretends to be looking over yesterday's notes.

They both know that Colby was staring at Sam from across the classroom. Colby is always staring at Sam when they are in the same room. It's like he's the only thing there with Colby and in a way, he is.

Ever since the first day of the semester last year, Colby has only had eyes for Sam. Colby is still not sure if Sam is aware of how much he stares and that's why he approached him on his way to his dorm all those months ago or if it was something else. He hopes that it was something else because the thought of Sam knowing about how Colby pined after him is mortifying.

The fact that they live together now makes things for him easier and harder at the same time. About 3 month ago they found something brocken in Sam's dorm apparently it wasn't so dangerous but the school still decided it would be best to get the students out of there and to put them in dorms where some thing was free.

With Colby's luck he had one bed free in his dorm so now he had this fuck boy but also sex on legs near him all the time. Colby wouldn't admit it but he kind of hated that he loved Sam.

Their agreement came with the time as Sam constantly had all these girls around or had to send a nude or as he got one as he jerks off loudly. Colby couldn't stand it anymore after a while and told Sam that he had 1 month to get himself under control or that Colby would leave and he knew that Sam hated to be living on his own.

Sam knew he probably couldn't quite keep his promise to stop with all the sex and stuff but maybe if he tried another way Colby maybe wouldn't care and wouldn't leave. This is how they became friends with benefits. One drunken night were Sam was everything but drunk he leaded Colby into thinking they did it.

Than they did it again and again this time sober on both sides. Colby was happy so far because Sam now didn't have had so many girls as he used to have.
Maybe but only maybe Colby have may or may not started to slowly fall for the blonde boy.


During the two hour long lecture, Colby peeked up a few times to get a look at Sam on the other side of the room. He wonders how well the other boy is doing in this class because every time he looks, Sam is messing around with his friends in the back, throwing pens and pieces of paper and giggling. If the professor notices, he doesn't say anything.

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