51.My little pastel prince

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Sam shrugged his backpack off his shoulders and placed it on the hook in his locker switching the books he would no longer need with the ones he would be using for the remainder of his own personal day in hell, or how others referred to it 'School', the very word sends shivers down Sam's spine.

Sam's head hung low, his eyes focusing in on each speck of the hideous pattered floor, praying to every God and Super Hero alike that he could just blend in to his surroundings, doing everything in his power to draw no attention to himself. But it just so happens that being an openly gay, sixteen year old boy that wears pastel pink sweaters, white jeans, pastel purple high top converse and colour co-ordinated flower crowns in a homophobic, narrow minded school with a bunch of dickhead teenagers you tend to be the target for a lot of bullying; In other words, the 'Ideal Victim'.

"Good Morning my pastel princess" An all too familiar voice struck dread in the core of Sam's body causing him to involuntary shake after five words.

It was Colby Brock the pretentious punk prick that Sam happened to hate more than any one of his many bullies. He dressed in all black, a Fall Out Boy tour shirt, incredibly tight skinny jeans,combat boots and a leather jacket that hung perfectly on his slim frame.

Sam had to admit Colby was stupidly attractive, and he hated himself for thinking it because Sam was mind numbingly in love with the prick.
"what the fuck do you want?" Sam's bitter words just added to the tension between them.

"Sammy dear, there's no need to be so rude" Colby cooed and that stung, not because of his sarcasm or his tone of voice but the use of nickname, 'Sammy' was what he used to call him when they were friends, best friends in fact, yep little pastel victim was best friends with his current dickhead bully.

Sam had no idea what happened, one day they were having what seemed like endless sleepovers, video game marathons and being practically inseparable then the next day his so called best friend was standing there laughing as someone beat him senseless. Colby was cold now, he didn't seem to have the same flare as before, his innocence was diminished by black clothing and rock concerts, his cute brown hair was replaced with parts of blue hair and a purple tinted fringe and his pure pale complexion now littered with piercings, his skin now poisoned with ink.

His Colby Brock was gone, and he was the one person he needed most right now. The boy who comforted him when he had his 'sexuality Crisis', the boy who wiped his tears when he was first beaten up, the boy who made him feel safe and happy all the time, now he was his worst fucking nightmare.

"Drop the shit Colby, just get it over and done with" Sam spat at him, that's probably the only benefit that comes with getting beat up every week day, you get used to it, it doesn't even phase him anymore.

"What princess?" Colby mumbled caressing Sam's cheek softly, this alone made his skin crawl, yes he's always loved Colby and it most likely will continue indefinitely but he also made him feel sick, he uses his weaknesses against him, he is utterly cruel.

"Punch me, kick me, scratch me I don't fucking care anymore just do it so you can leave me the fuck alone for the rest of the day!" Sam practically shouted he's lost his self control, he has no time for him anymore, he's sick of feeling shit because of Colby fucking Brock, He doesn't want to live this life anymore. He despises it.

"Woah, slow down princess I've never hurt you before" Colby whispered cupping Sam's cheek, causing Sam to just bat it away, he couldn't deal with this right now.

"Don't make me laugh" Sam muttered bitterly.

"Baby, I'd never hurt you" Colby whispered obviously not registering how completely hostile Sam was feeling right now, messing with the ends of Sam's hair.

"Colby just fuck off" Sam muttered defeated, batting Colby's hand away for a second time causing his sleeve to fall slightly.

Suddenly the atmosphere dropped, Colby's expression hardened and Sam panicked pulling his sleeves back down over his hands.

" Show me your wrists" this was different, he seemed sincere, Sam thought for a second that he was talking to his Colby again, he could see it in his eyes. But no this was all a trick Colby didn't care anymore he needs to get as far away from Colby as possible but he was frozen in place staring into Colby's eyes trying his hardest to keep his shield up.

"N-no" Sam stuttered feeling completely inferior and broken.

"Sam" He hadn't heard Colby use his actual name in so long it almost felt like they were complete strangers. "Show me, Sam please" Colby stated Sam felt sick this is the most torture he's ever been put through, he didn't give a shit yesterday, he didn't give a shit earlier and he most certainly won't give a shit tomorrow so why should Sam listen to a word Colby ever has to say.

Sam has reached breaking point "Don't even act like you fucking care!" Sam shouted slamming his locker shut not bothering to lock it seen as he has nothing important in there and once he had calmed down he would probably return and lock it then.

'Sak!' was the only thing he heard Colby shout after him, Sam had just blocked everything out, he stormed through the halls, past the malicious people muttering the odd homophobic slur and comment about his clothes. He ran through the Sport B-tec portion of the building and into his favourite teachers office, even though he was awful at Gym Miss Jackson was always there for him when he was completely at rock bottom.

She was the second to know when Sam had accepted he was gay (after Colby of course), she was the first to know when he got his crush on Colby, She gave him first aid when the punches got too powerful and she never told his mum if he didn't want her to know. She made him feel better they would talk about anything and everything which just kept his mind off situations of the day.

Also if he ever wanted to just escape for a while she would give him the key to the door that led out to the field which is what he was there for this time. He didn't bother knocking as he knew Miss Jackson always had time for him, he didn't mean to sound arrogant but it was the truth.

"Hey Miss" Sam whispered his voice drained from the events that have played out so far.

"Hey hun" She said softly her expression dropping as she saw Sam "Bad day?" she asked knowing immediately that he would have had a run in with someone. She didn't understand it really Sam was a lovely boy, but just because he was brave enough to express himself as who he is he gets punished, its pathetic really.

He simply nodded, but that was all she needed to know her next move. She reached into her draw and pulled out a set of keys, "field key?" she asked already knowing the answer to her own question, once again he simply nodded internally panicking as he knew if he didn't get outside now Miss Jackson would witness his breakdown.

Once he had obtained the key he ran to the back fence. His school was placed on the top of a huge hill which overlooked the city. The view was so calming. Most people think a countryside or a forest is quite relaxing but that just not for Sam, he loved over looking the city life, the buzz of people living their everyday lives none the wiser that someone was sat watching the small dots of cars and people move in unison.

Today was far too overwhelming for Sam, confrontations with Colby were always horrifying for him but this time it was so much worse. Colby knew his one secret but one thing was worse, he acted as if he cared, yes that is what hurt the most.

Sam sat there his head in his hands, eyes burning, tears streaming,shaking and muttering all of his imperfections making himself feel worthless and small but in some kind of fucked up way it made him feel better. Also, everyone does that to him already he might as well just add to the pile.

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