91.birthday sex

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Sam sighs as Colby kisses him gently while he undresses him. He loves his boyfriend's kisses. That fucking mouth. Shit. He moans when Colby nibbles at his neck. "Yes." He hisses at the faint sting of the brown haired boy marking him up.

They both finish undressing until they're gloriously naked. Colby pushes him down on the bed.

"Fuck Sam." He curses taking in the naked man he was blessed with. "You're so fucking hot."

He whispers before crawling up Sam's body till they're face to face, kissing like its running out of style. Sam sucks enthusiastically on Colby's tongue like he can't get enough. Which he can't. He thrusts up feeling like he's floating in a pool of love. Colby's hands are everywhere leaving hot trails and Sam can't wait to feel that big beautiful cock inside him.

He moans relishing in the wet heat of Colby's mouth and the soothing drag of his tongue. His pulse is throbbing from anticipation, and his breath stuttering.

"Fuck feels amazing."

Sam moans lost in Colby's ministrations which is why he's surprised when he feels a slick finger slide inside him. "Colby" He finds himself calling out.

Opening his eyes, he finds his boyfriend watching him intently. "I love you." The younger one whispers. "Happy birthday baby."

He says before shoving another finger to join the first one. Sam is getting seriously wrecked right now. He can't help himself and he finds himself fucking down on the digits deep inside him. Colby uses his free hand to cup the back of his neck before pulling him in for another kiss. Sam inhales deeply when it's three fingers inside him, with Colby brushing against his prostate once in a while.

Soon Colby is pulling away making Sam moan in protest from the emptiness. "You ready?" Colby asks.

"Fuck me," Sam replies with determination.

Colby positions himself and Sam parts his legs even wider, more than willing. He whispers "I love you" before pushing in inch by inch.

"Shiiiiiiit." Sam cries out, loving the intense feeling Colby always brings out of him every time he's inside him.

"Shit is right." Colby hisses watching his dick go in and out of Sam.

"Ngggg." Sam moans and bites his bottom lip as he grabs the headboard with one hand and Colby's leg with the other.

"Happy. Fucking. Birthday." Colby punctuates each word with a deep thrust.

Sam starts to laugh but it turns into a loud yell when Colby buries himself deep inside and stills, pressing directly against his prostate.

"Who do you belong to?" Colby asks.

"Shit." Is all Sam can get out.

Colby presses harder and Sam cries out. "Who do you, belong to?"

"Yours! I'm yours, Colby."

"Damn right you are!" Colby says before pulling out completely and then snapping back in, fucking him brutally.

Sam let's go of the bed to pull Colby towards him. He wraps his hands around the brown haired boy and scratches on his back. He attaches his mouth to Colby's neck as his boyfriend keeps moving inside him. Biting hard on Colby's shoulder, he curses when Colby finds his prostate again.

Colby guides Sam's head towards him so he can kiss him again. "So fucking good Sammy." He breathes alternating between licking, sucking and biting. Sam feels so good it's overwhelming.

Colby pulls away from the kiss to bite on Sam's neck. He does it so hard he actually manages to break skin. Sam cries out when the pain mingles with the pleasure. The younger boy licks at the drop of blood that seeps out before kissing Sam immediately after.

Sam can taste the metallic tang on Colby's tongue but he doesn't care. He just wants to keep kissing his boyfriend.

Colby loves that Sam can keep going for hours. But tonight, he doesn't think he can keep up. It feels too good. So he pulls back so he can pick up his pace even more. Sam groans and curses loudly. He caresses his boyfriend's sweaty forehead to get the blonde hair off his face.

"Fuck baby, yes!" Colby cries out. "Gonna come."

He lies on Sam completely so the slightly shorter man's dick is trapped between them. He then kisses Sam's swollen lips again. Fuck, they must have kissed a million times by now but it just seems to get better every time. The slotting of their lips, their movements in tune with each other. Colby gets carried away by the kiss and he slows down on the fucking. But his boyfriend isn't having that.


When Colby starts fucking him again hard and with intent, Sam's breath hitches in his throat. He makes slow involuntary sounds at the back of said throat, which slowly turn into high whines. Sweaty fingers grab onto Colby's no doubt heavily bruised back as he approaches his climax.

He comes with a loud yell of Colby's name before emitting a string of incoherent noises.

A tremor goes down Colby's spine as he watches his boyfriend lose control. He visibly shakes through his own orgasm, coming hard inside Sam. He doesn't stop moving until he's fully emptied inside the blonde.

They both breath hard looking into each other's eyes. Pulling out slowly, he drops to lie next to Sam.

"Happy birthday, babe," Colby repeats kissing him deeply.

The air smells of them and sex and Sam loves it. He loves when their scents combine like this. It drives him wild.

"Thank you," Sam says pulling Colby into his arms for some post-coital cuddling. "Fucking love you."

"I fucking love you too."

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