25.More than this

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The whole situation started with a sentence.

"I have a date this weekend."

It was said with mock confidence. Too loud and with a voice too wavering to not be nervous about this statement. Colby Brock stopped tapping his fingers loudly across his laptop to look up at his flatmate and best friend, Sam Golbach, who had spoken. He'd heard him loud and clear but for some reason, he found himself raising a brow, dumbly asking, "What?"

Sam cleared his throat, the uneasy look on his face only growing. Colby couldn't pinpoint what it was that was making him so...afraid. He was, after all, his best friend. Right? He shouldn't be worried in the least about telling him about this date. Sam was quieter this time, looking sheepish as he fiddled with his hands, "I have a date on Saturday."

Okay. So, he had heard him correctly. His eyes lulled lazily down from his friend's face to the floor, and he breathed in slowly through his nose. A date. His gaze snapped back up to Sam, a broad smile decorating his features, "Okay. That's great. I hope you have fun." Colby then resumed typing on his laptop. In his peripheral vision, he saw a confused look on Sam's face before the man smiled, muttering a happy, "Cool, thanks.", and resuming his own scrolling his computer.

Colby wouldn't say it out loud, but he felt a painful pang in his chest in that moment.


"Woah." Colby is a bit taken back as Sam enters the lounge wearing a neatly ironed button up and what looked like new jeans, his fingers frantically brushing as his fringe. His gaze is now on Colby instead of attempting to look up at his hair, and he's got a bit of pink to his cheeks.

"Good or bad?" He asks, teeth worrying at his bottom lip.

"Good," Colby gives him a thumbs up and suddenly he seems to deflate as if someone has released most of the tension from his body. "So, you never did tell me who you're going out with tonight. I didn't even know you were talking to anybody."

"Oh," Sam begins, sounding a bit guilty, "Her name is Katrina. We met at the shop and I don't know, we talked a lot and then she asked if I wanted to get coffee so we did and...it was nice. We traded numbers and then we met up last week at Starbucks again and I asked her on an official date. Like, the one tonight."

Colby laughed quietly at the last comment, making his friend a bit flustered, "Obviously."

"Shut up."

"You're too nervous."

"I can't help it!" Sam huffed in annoyance, "I haven't been on a date in years. Plus, I really like Katrina."

Colby's smile faltered a bit, and he mumbled. "Is that so."

Sam noticed the change in the air and shifted his weight from foot to foot. He opened his mouth to say something else, but closed it deciding to check the time instead. He still had time, but the tension in the apartment was heavy and near suffocating all of the sudden, and he didn't like it. "I gotta run. See you later tonight!" He exited the lounge briskly, only getting a noise of acknowledgement from Colby and a teasing comment of "Don't have too much fun on your first date." before he was out.


The date wasn't brought up the next day.

Sam didn't push it and Colby didn't bother to ask. It was mildly annoying to both for different reasons; Sam didn't understand why Colby wasn't at all happy for his best friend, and Colby didn't understand why the very thought of this Kat girl made him sick. He was sure she was lovely-she had to be to have caught Sam's attention.

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