40.Happier |Song fic|

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Colby walked into the bar he and Sam used to go to all the time.
Used to.

He was ready to forget, he was ready to hookup and pass out. All the pain he had gone through in the past month was the worst pain he'd ever experienced.

The strong smell of alcohol hit him once he opened the door to the bar, also mixed with a slight smell of rain. The weather in Los Angeles was absolutely horrendous, it was raining and the wind was whipping loudly through the trees.

Colby used to love the rain because Sam got so excited over it, but now it was the most depressing thing in existence because it just reminded him of Sam. Correction: everything reminded him of Sam.

Colby wiped his shoes on the doormat, he didn't want to bring attention to himself with loud, squeaky shoes. He walked straight to a lonely bar-stool in the corner. The bar was in the shape of a rectangle with stools surrounding itself. There were tables too, where most people sat.

"The strongest you've got," Colby requested when the bartender asked him what he wanted. The bartender squeaked at him. She seemed annoying. Bleached-blonde hair adorned her head and she smacked her gum all-too-loudly. Shortly after, the bartender was back with five shots of jagermeister and Colby didn't hesitate to down the first in two sips.

Sam. Fuck everything. Fuck my life. I wanna die. Sam. I love Sam. Sam hates me, why?

These thoughts increased their intensity with every shot he took, slowly yet surely invaded his brain.

His eyes wandered over the sweaty, dancing bodies. No one in particular caught his attention, though. Fuck, no one was as good as Sam. He cursed himself for hurting the boy who was way out of his league in the first place, he cursed himself for being so vulnerable.

He couldn't even get his mind off of the boy, just like the love stories. He'd thought that it was all bullshit, it wasn't really possible to be that heartbroken. Now he understood how bad his judgement was at that time.

Once he was about to pick up his fourth shot, the door was pushed open and in came a gorgeous angel, also known as Sam Golbach. Colby's beloved ex. They'd dated for 18 months, it'd only been a month since they broke up. Once Colby caught sight of the beautiful boy, his heart shattered into a million pieces yet again, if that was even possible.

The fact that Sam was there to have a genuinely good time whilst Colby was sat moping in a corner wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was that Sam didn't come alone. There was a man attached to his hip, kissing him on the cheek as they strode through the door. They seemed completely sober, which made Colby come to the conclusion that this wasn't just some random hookup. The guy was muscular, but not too muscular.

He had dark hair with the occasional blonde streak poking through. He was about Colby's height, fitting perfectly into Sam's arms...just as Colby had not long ago.

The two glanced lovingly at each other, smiling happily. They looked so much happier than Colby could ever remember he and Sam being. Colby downed another shot as he looked at the couple, he was assuming. The other man whispered something in Sam's ear and made Sam giggle lightly.

His tongue slightly poked out of his mouth while he laughed which used make Colby smile, but now the gesture made him jealous because he wasn't the one causing it.

He's happier now, isn't he?

Colby knew it was selfish. He knew he failed to make Sam happy, but he couldn't help feeling jealous of the other man. Sam was happier now, only this time it was without Colby by his side. His head told him that if he truly loved Sam he should be happy for him, but his heart hated seeing someone other than himself be the cause of his happiness.

Mr. Perfect leaned over to peck Sam on the lips. The gesture made Sam's cheeks turn pink from blushing and oh my god, the look he gave him. It was packed full of love and admiration.

Fifth shot gone.

Colby wasn't surprised that Sam hadn't noticed him yet, the pair seemed too focused on each other to notice anyone else around. It was like they forgot other human beings existed, and Colby could only dream of Sam sharing that look with him now.

Sam reminded him of sugar and sweets. His slightly rosy cheeks and oh so sweet smile. He could almost get high off of his soft blonde hair and addictive laugh. His long, thin hands that looked so hold-able just tortured Colby even more.

He'd better know he's holding the hands of an angel. He better know how lucky he is to being able to kiss Sam like that.

Colby looked down at his phone and discovered he had a text from Corey. He hadn't been easy to communicate with the past month, but that didn't stop Corey from checking in on him, and the text was exactly that. Asking Colby if he was okay.

The heartbroken boy texted his friend, telling him where he was and that he was perfectly fine and added a smiley emoji at the end. He also included that he saw Sam there with someone else, someone he looked extremely happy with. Colby was doing perfectly horrible, though, and he was pretty sure Corey knew that.

'One day you'll feel it too,' Corey had responded. Would he, though? When he looked up from his phone Sam was sat at a table alone. At first Colby thought that his 'boyfriend' had left him which fed him mixed emotions. He wanted to beat the living shit out of him for leaving a diamond alone like that, but he was also felt relieved because he wouldn't have to see them happy together even though he knew how selfish it sounded.

Soon Colby discovered that he was only left to get them drinks. The guy was standing 5 meters away when he began to tell the bartender his order, obviously in a better mood than Colby, who was hiding his face by pretending to pay attention to his phone once again.

It had been a late night when Sam came home from hanging out with their friend, Elton. Colby thought that he'd been spending a little too much time with Elton the last few weeks, though, so he decided to confront his boyfriend about it. He was a very jealous person and had to make sure he wasn't cheating. The discussion got heated quickly and Sam left with the last words he'd said to Colby being: "We were planning a party for you asshole, but you don't even trust me enough to do that, do you? That was the last straw, Colby. You don't even make me happy, if anything you just make me frustrated! We're over."

Colby glanced to his side and didn't see the guy at the bar. He turned around on the bar-stool and to his horror, he made eye-contact with Sam at that very moment. That glance was the most interaction they'd had in a month. Sam's jaw dropped and his big smile turned to a frown within seconds.

"You don't even make me happy, if anything you just make me frustrated!"

Sam turned and said something to his partner and, just as Colby thought his day couldn't get worse, Sam came walking towards him. He face sported a weird combination of anxious and determined. Colby felt dizzy and sick, although he doubted it was the alcohol's fault.

"I'm sorry Colby, but me and- um" Sam mumbled, barley audible over the music pounding through their ears. Colby had expected Sam to be angry and shout at him, but he didn't know why he chose not to. It was Sam after all, though, the sweetest, kindest person alive.

"Promise that I will not take it personal, If you're moving on with someone new" Colby swore. It was partially a lie, but Colby knew he'd been a dick, so it also shared some truth. Sam sighed and nodded in response before turning to walk away, but before he could leave Colby grabbed his arm.

"But if he breaks your heart like lovers do, just know that I'll be waiting here for you"

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