70.In the middle of nowhere

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"One more time!," Colby yells out to Sam. He waits for Sam to turn the key in the ignition once more. He stares at the engine in front of him, his head hung low under the hood and his hands bracing him on either side of the car. The all-to-familiar sound coming from the car makes him whisper a string of curses. The sound of a struggling engine tests his patience and Sam can see this through the windshield.

"Fuck!" Colby yells and kicks the bumper of the car. He grabs the rag from his jean pocket and whips his hands until they were free from oil and other residue.

"Sorry, man. I don't think it will be running anytime soon." Sam says, out the window and over to Colby.

Colby closes the hood in anger and bits his lip from cursing anymore. Sam intently watched as his teeth makes contact with his lower lips and was strangely hypnotized by the simple action. Colby walks around to the drivers 's side, and yanks the door open, looking down at his best friend.

"Get out of driver's seat." He orders. "Oh come on, man! The car isn't even moving and you wont just let me sit behind the wheel!" Sam groans but slides over into the passenger seat moving his hair out of his face.

"Any idea what's wrong with your car?" He asks after a few moments of silence. He could tell Colby was frustrated with his car not responding and decided to approach him with caution.

"Hell if I know! Do you really think that if i knew i would be stuck here in the middle of no where with my idiotic buddy?" Colby says harsher than he meant. Sam winces a little in shock and hurt from Colby's comment and right away feels guilty.

Colby lets out a sigh. "Look. I'm sorry. Okay? I'm just fuckin' frustrated about this."

Sam's face calms down and forms a sympathetic expression. "Well next time you're frustrated, don't be so bitchy." He says jokingly. "I am not bitchy!" Colby responds defensively. "Hey! Dont get bitchy on me now!" Sam says smiling like an idiot, "Save it for the chicks. They dig that whole 'Bad Boy' thing you got going on."

Colby snorts and re-positions himself in the seat, turning his body so his knee is on the seat and his body is more towards Sam. "That so?"

"Ha. Most definitely." Sam smiles because of his friends sudden interest. "You have that whole rugged glare thing going for ya." Colby doesn't know why he says it and immediately regrets it when he does, but he couldn't help himself. They next thing he blurts out is, "And what about you? Does it work on you?"

Sam overcame by silence and Colby immediately regrets it once it escaped his lips. Sam stares intently at Colby looking to find any sign of humor or that this was a joke, but found nothing. Had Colby actually been serious?

Sam's hands stray from his lap and begin to slowly creep along Colby's jeans. There was nothing innocent about the touch and both knew it, but both acted as if it was a daily gesture. Until Sam's hand made its journey at Colby's crotch.

Colby's face uncontrollably heats up in his cheeks all the way down his neck. His head grew faint as the blood rushes down into his southern region and Colby stiffens in shock and arousal. Sam, feeling little Colbs grow hard underneath him, pushed down more pressure causing Colby to shudder in pleasure.


"Shh. Where's that tough-guy exterior go now?" Sam say teasingly in the most sexiest voice he could muster and it is velvet to Colby's red hot ears. Sam's teasing hand and voice send another wave of blood down to his dick. His eyes close automatically from the pure pleasure of Sam stroking him through his jeans.

"Fuc-" "There it is." Sam teases once more. The thought of Sam touching him, in specific ways-naughty ways-, while they're in the car-, makes his dick grow thicker and heavier with every thought.

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