13.breathing you in

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Sam and Colby were hanging out in the gaming room playing video games, eating junk food, anything really to keep themselves entertained. It was close to ten o' clock and all of a sudden, Sam paused the game and shot up off the couch, jumping on top of it.

"I have an idea!" He exclaimed. Colby rolled his eyes. "Another one of your great ideas, huh? And what'll it be this time?" He mused. "I have something... That could potentially be a really good time. If you'll follow me, good sir." Sam said, hopping off the couch and tossing his controller on one of the lovesac's.

Colby was staring at him with an incredulous look, not moving from his spot. Sam pouted at him and jutted out his bottom lip, giving the younger boy the best puppy dog eyes he could muster up. And really, how could Colby resist? He was a sucker for the puppy dog eyes. Well, actually, he was a sucker for anything Sam related, if he was being honest with himself.

You see, over the past five years, he might have developed a slight really fucking big crush on the older lad.
All of the boys knew about his sexual orientation. Pansexual. He didn't care what was in between your legs as long as you had a good personality. So, having the occasional boyfriend in his awkward teenage years, this realisation didn't come as much of a surprise.

The two boys clicked right away. Sam was more sort of this calm, mellow person and Colby was this ball of energy, never sitting still, always up to mischief. They were good for each other, kept each other balanced. Colby occasionally dragged Sam into one of his devious plans, but right now it was the other way round.

Colby let out a small sigh and nodded, grabbing the hand Sam extended towards him as he set his controller down on the couch. Sam let out a squeal of joy and dragged Colby up the stairs, into his bedroom, closing the door behind them.

"Go sit down, Colbs. I gotta go find it." Sam mumbled, turning to head towards his closet. Colby just rolled his eyes and crawled up the bed, sitting criss cross by the pillows. See, Sam had a big problem. He got these feelings. These weird feelings which he just pinned as fondness for the adorable, skinny, blue eyed boy. He stuck to his decision and never thought on the feeling of 'fondness' he would get whenever Harry did certain things.

Like that stupid smile where all his teeth were showing and he covered his mouth because he was laughing so loud. Yeah, Sam was pretty fond of that. Just the little things. Colby making them breakfast in the morning sometimes and bringing it to Sam while he was still in bed. Or the way he shook out his hair and pushed it out of his face.

Besides, they couldn't be real feelings. He was straight and he was with Katrina. "Sammy. Earth to Sam. What are you doing, mate?" Colby called from the bed. "Shit." Sam muttered under his breath. "Yeah, yeah. I'm gettin' there. Give me a second, will you?" He groaned.

"Whatever." Colby muttered, stretching his legs down the bed and tucking his hands behind his head as he leant back against the headboard, watching Sam from across the room.
Sam crouched down to the ground before getting on his hands and knees, crawling into the closet so he could reach the far right corner and the little box he kept tucked away back there.

All Colby could see was bum. And who was he to pass up an opportunity to ogle his band mate's flawless arse. But of course, Sam could feel him staring. And of course, he had to say something. "Cole Robert Brock, are you staring at my bum?" Sam fake gasped from where he was digging in the closet. His hand finally skimmed over the small wooden box and a small 'Aha' escaped his lips as he pulled himself off the ground. He turned around to face Colby, hands on his hips. "You totally were." He teased.

"What've you got in there? We aren't about to do some weird, kinky shit, right?" Colby asked, trying to change the subject. "No, Cole. We are not about to do some weird kinky shit." Sam said, airquoting his words with his free hand.

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