27.More than this #3

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The next morning, when Sam came trudging into the lounge lazily, he didn't say a word about what happened last night. Colby wasn't sure if he wanted him to or not. The older boy yawned, sitting next to Colby and glancing up at whatever was on the TV. It was quiet, aside from the television, for only a moment as Colby decided to break it. "You slept in today, yeah?"

Sam nodded slowly, "I had a hangover and I stayed up way too late. How are you up?"

"My head didn't bother me that bad and I dunno, just got up, I guess." He was lying. He was only up because he had trouble sleeping in general. And his head was pounding after the few hours of sleep he managed, but he'd long since taken a painkiller. "If your head hurts, we have meds." He said, pointing towards the pill bottle on the table.

"Oh, thank god." Sam muttered, standing up and leaving to get some water. When he returned, he swallowed two of the painkillers, returning to his spot on the sofa. He finally, properly, looked at Colby and his eyes fell onto the few love bites on his neck.

He felt a bit proud and ashamed. The memory of biting down before calling Colby his replayed in his mind and he swallowed hard, "Um, I'm going to see Kat again today," Yes Sam, bring up your girlfriend after getting stirred up in the morning at the thought of marking your best friend, "Except, this time she wanted to come by the apartment meet you."

Colby stiffened very visibly. "Does she?" He asked, laughing a bit forcibly. "But why?"

"Well, duh, you're my best friend and flatmate. I've been dating her for over a month and she hasn't met, like, the most important person in my life yet!"

Colby's heart skipped a beat and he put his chin in his palm, looking away, "Whatever. What time?"

Sam raised a brow at his friend's pouty behavior, "About seven. We were planning on spending the day together first...which reminds me, I should get ready now." He stands up, stretching his limbs a bit as he heads up to his room.

"I'll make sure to have the flat cleaned before you love birds return," He said with malice in his tone, listening to the small noises of Sam as he got ready.


"I'm just so afraid he won't like me at all!"

"There no reason to worry, trust me! He isn't like that."

"If you say so..." A short girl pouted, giggling as her boyfriend pulled her into his embrace and kissed her head. Sam, said boyfriend, opened the door to his flat, letting Kat inside first before trailing behind her. They made their way into the lounge, and Katrina made a noise of approval. "This place is so clean and neat. It also has a nerdy touch. It's very you."

Sam shrugs, his cheeks turning pink, causing the girl to giggle. Both their heads turned as they heard someone else enter the room, and Katrina found herself grinning big as an anxious feeling settled into her stomach. Sam, however, was biting his lip. He wasn't anxious in a good way like his girlfriend.

"I'm guessing you're Colby, then?" She asked, walking towards the other boy. Colby nodded slowly, not expecting to see Katrina when he walked into his lounge.

She was short compared to him, which wasn't saying much, and she had brown curls that stopped just below her chest. Her eyes were a dark color, almost green black, and she had a very natural face of makeup. Pretty, was all Colby thought.

"Yeah, and I'm guessing you're Katrina." Colby forced a smile and the girl nodded. She held out her hand, prompting a handshake. Colby took the petite hand in his, shaking gently before letting go quickly.

That hand was on your boyfriend's dick last night, by the way.

He suppressed a smirk at the thought. "Well, if that's all, then I'm gonna just...watch some TV now." He walked past them, taking a seat on the sofa and flipping the television on. He pulled his laptop into his lap, opening it and drumming his fingers on it as it started up.

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