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"Who are all these people? I didn't know Brennen even had so many friends." Colby said to Shea as they stood in their friend's living room, cups of punch in their hands.

Shea shrugged. "He told me most of them are Meggie's. She invited them so that they could actually call this a party. I'm glad you and Sam could make it, though, I don't really know a lot of these people."

Colby shrugged it off. "It's not like we have anything else to do, is it?"
Shea huffed a laugh, nudging him with her elbow.

"By the way, you two seem very comfortable around each other recently. Is there... something I should know about?" she asked curiously, eyeing him as she took a sip from her cup.

Colby tried to ignore his friend's wide smirk and felt a blush creep up his cheeks, dying his ears a soft pink in the warm, mildly loud, darkened room.

Yes, he wanted to say, yes of course there is, Shea. We've been together for two months now, and I love him, god, I love him so much. I never thought I'd like someone like this again, I didn't think I could. I didn't think I could love Sam, but I do, I do.

"No. I don't think we could actually be together for more than two days without pissing each other off. I mean, not like physically together. We are already kind of together. I mean we're friends. We live in the same apartment. But like, I don't think we could be in a relationship. We'd be at each other's throats in no time and not in a sexy way..."

He stopped with a slight frown, asking himself what he was even trying to say. Shea burst into laughter, working hard not to spill her punch all over her hand and her blouse.

"Bloody hell, Shea, you're the nosiest person I know." Colby grumbled, and when she didn't stop laughing and the other guests started throwing them looks and whispering, he knocked his elbow into her side, which led to her finally spilling her punch all over her arm.

"Goddammit, Brock! You should go find your boyfriend and ask him to protect you, because as soon as I will get this stuff off of me, I will find you and I will skin you!" she shouted, glaring and pointing her finger at him sarcastically.

Colby started giggling, trying to hold his hand as still as possible to not end up the same way as her, his shoulders pressing harder into the wall. She threw him a grin before turning and disappearing into the kitchen.

Colby took a sip of his punch and asked himself if it contained alcohol. If so, it probably wasn't that much, he told himself. Colby let his eyes wander around the room, look at the people crowding it and the decorations Brennen and Meggie had put up.

There were fairy lights, snowflakes and fir branches that spread a wonderful, festive smell. The lights had a soft golden gloom to them. Or was that just the punch? Colby took another sip of said bitter-sweet drink and suddenly spotted a small, green object above the dining room door. Was that a mistletoe?

Colby narrowed his eyes in an attempt to get a better look at it, but soon just shrugged it off.

"We still need to put up some stuff at our place soon." Colby thought and decided to go look for Sam to not look too introverted.

He strolled out of the lounge into the dining room, where he spotted Maggie, offering cookies to the people that stood by and chatting with them.

"Hey Maggie!" Colby said, pushing his way through the other guests as he walked up to her, his punch at his shoulder level which was, as always, a bit higher than average.

She turned around and smiled when she saw Colby, stepping forward to make way for a girl with blue hair and glasses.

"Have you seen Sam anywhere?" he asked her when they met somewhere in the middle of the room, surrounded by the loudly chatting crowd.

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