32.You, Me And A Hybrid Between Us

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Jack arrived home from work to find his boyfriend of two years, Sam, waiting in the kitchen, dinner laid out on the table. Now it wasn't that Sam didn't cook for him - because he did all the time - but the spread Sam had set up that night was far beyond the normal selection for a two person dinner.

"What's all this?" He asked, dropping his keys on the table by the door and crossing to the kitchen to greet his boyfriend with a kiss.

"Dinner." Sam replied, grinning up at him. Jack rolled his eyes. Alright then. He'd find out what Sam was after soon enough.

The two chatted amongst themselves, barely making a dent in the giant pile of food set out by Sam and Jack was just contemplating whether or not he could fit in another serving of lasagne when Sam finally made his move.

"So I've been thinking." He trailed off, Jack sitting a little straighter, ears pricking up.

"Yes dear?"

"Well I was at Elton's today, and you know how he got another kitten to keep Corey company while he was out?" Jack nodded.

"Well we were talking and he said when he went to pick up Brennen - that's his new one - there were still a whole heap from that litter who hadn't found homes yet. So I was thinking, we've got loads of space and we've been talking about pets for a while. Maybe we could go for a hybrid?"

Jack fixed Sam with a look. "We were talking about actual cats, Samuel. You know a hybrid will be a lot harder to care for than a simple house cat."

"But, Jack." Sam pouted, his blue eyes shining with disappointment. "You've met Corey and you love him and Brennen's really great as well and they love Elton and Elton loves them and everyone's happy all round. That could be us, Sam. Please?"

Sam's lower lip jutted out even further, Jack helplessly tried to look anywhere other than the blonde haired boy in front of him. Just when he thought Sam might have stopped, he chanced a glance out the side of his eye, only to find Sam's pout still in full force.


"Please, please, please?"

Jack slighed. He could feel his resolve crumbling around him like the biscuit bases on Sam's cheese cakes.

"We can have a look." He finally relented. Sam cheered, kicking his chair back and rounding the table to straddle Jack's lap and pepper kisses all over his face.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"We're just looking though, Sam. No promises." Sam hummed in an entirely patronizing way, the sparkle in his eye not dying for a second. Jack felt a little wounded in his boyfriend's lack of faith concerning his resolve.


The next day, walking through the animal shelter, completely understood Sam's lack of faith.

Sam was skipping along in front of him, cooing eagerly at the various kittens, some pressed up against the bars of their cages eagerly, others curled up in the shadows.

He watched Sam pat the head of a ginger cat named Ed and felt his heart melt a little. Who was he kidding? They were definitely going to be leaving with a kitten today.

They spent 20 minutes wondering around the shelter, Sam scratching at the ears nearly every kitten they passed before Jack saw Sam freeze up ahead, his gasp travelling down the hall.

"Jack!" He called, crouching down in front of a cage, eagerly scratching the ears of the kitten inside it.

Jack scuffled his feet a little, putting off the inevitable pleading eyes and pout he would be faced with when he reached Sam. He knew as soon as he reached the cage and found Sam petting the kitten's chocolate coloured ears, which poked out of the kitten's perfectly windswept hair that Sam had found the one he wanted. Yep, they were getting a cat.

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