45.Vampire x Werewolf #1

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The first time that Colby brought it up was in late September. He was fiddling with his hoodie, biting at it, and Sam thought it was the most adorable thing that Colby had done in, well, the last ten minutes.

Ten minutes prior he'd been smiling at Sam while Sam told him all about his day, so that was the cutest thing that Colby could have done. To be perfectly honest, Colby is always cute and adorable. Sam has a hard time picking just one time.

But Colby looked nervous and Sam had no idea why, because Colby never had to be nervous around Sam and Colby knew that.

"Look, Sam, I need to talk to you about something," Colby began. "If I go a little bit quiet - and I might not - around, say, August 7th, don't be surprised."

"What? Why?" Sam asks, sitting up more alertly. He stares at Colby. "Is something wrong?" His mind jumps to all sorts of things he doesn't know about Colby - maybe a death in the family's anniversary or a bad breakup with an ex, who knows.

"Well, the thing is - um. There's no real easy way to put this. But you know how things like faeries and shit exist? They're not super common but they exist?"

"Yeah, and vampires and werewolves and incubi and succubi, I know all that. What, you a faerie? Because I already knew you were halfway there, Colby" Sam teases and Colby laughs there, a genuine laugh.

"Fuck off, Golbach should have never told you I was bisexual. No, um. Actually - I'm a werewolf."

Sam blinks, googles, "Full moon 2017." Huh. Full moon's coming up on the 7th of August.

No wonder Colby might go quiet. He'll be turning. He doesn't know a lot about werewolves, but he does know it means increased sexual energy.

He wonders if Colby has an outlet for that energy and a flare of jealousy washes through him before he can stop it. "I'm bisexual too," he blurts out, before he can stop himself.

It stops the conversation cold in its tracks.

"What?" Colby asks. "That's your response to, 'Sam, I'm a werewolf'?". Sam shrugs helplessly before it even occurs to him that he can tell Colby something else. It literally had flown out of his head.

"Only if you can accept the fact that I'm a vampire." Sam says. Colby blinks at him.

"Shut up, you're making fun of me now."

Sam shakes his head, opens his mouth as wide as he can, bares his teeth, lets his fangs grow until they're prominent. He runs his tongue over the tips of them, stares at Colby across Skype, across the country.

"Well, shit," Colby comments. He sits back. "Guess I have no reason to worry about telling you that I'm a supernatural entity."

"Nope. You and I are one and the same."

"So, hold up. You're bisexual? And you're just telling me this now?" Colby asks, apparently more interested in this factor. "So just how much of your flirting is real?"

"What, with you?" Sam asks, surprised. He'd thought Colby had known he was bisexual and that the flirting was all real. After all, he's answered on dailybooth that he's bisexual, and he's never not made it clear he was flirting.


"Um, all of it?" Sam says, suddenly shy. Colby stares at him. "I mean, I thought - I thought you knew? Have I fucked up?"

"God, no, Sam you're fine. I mean, I flirt back, right? I just thought you were flirting with me because I was flirting with you, I didn't think it was serious." Colby says. His smile splits his face now. "But I mean, I like you. I like you."

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