94.Merry Christmas Baby

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They are both from different parts of the US in this
it's short but cute

"Who's driving?" Colby asked Sam from where the two were curled up on the sofa.

"Shotgun not" Sam said quickly, parking up slightly. " I guess you are up, Colby. "

"Fine" Colby groaned jokingly.

"I'm gonna miss you" Sam said smiled running his hand through Colbys hair from where he sat in his lovers arms.

"We can facetime anytime we miss each other too much" Colby said, adoring his partner, "or at least just on Christmas?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world" Sam giggled.

"We should probably get going soon" Colby said.

"yeah, I guess." Sam said sadly.

"Hey,none of that it's only two weeks," Colby said smiling at his drowsy boyfriend, leaning down to kiss his cheek.

"c'mon,we need to get going."

The two boys loaded up Colby's car with thier suitcases so they could drop Sam off in Santa Fe ,New Mexico and Colby then do the final stretch to Lincoln, Nebraska.

The car ride was quiet just some soft music playing quietly in the background. Sam put his head against the window and Colby placed his hand softly on Sam's thigh.

After a bit they started discussing how excited they were to have Christmas all together one year, whether it meant Colby's or Sam's family or both together or taking turns with whose family they'd see, they knew it would happen one day.

It wasn't long before they arrived at Sam's house, Colby pulling up on the curb, getting his case out the boot before they held each other in the street, not wanting to ever let go.

"I love you, message me if you need anything no matter how stupid it seems at the time."

Sam couldn't help but smile at Colby's words,
" I love and adore and really appreciate you so much," he replied, pulling his boyfriend impossibly closer.

"You go see your family, yeah?" Colby said, knowing if he didn't say anything they'd never move from that street corner, "Merry Christmas baby"

"Merry Christmas, my love" Sam replied,kissing him softy before forcing itself to pull away and walk to the door, waving while Colby got in the car,not pulling away until Sam's dad let him inside, just so he could be sure he got in safely.

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