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omegaverse thingy


"Colby, babe?" I asked walking into the kitchen in our new house. Yes, we have moved officially into a house as a couple. And it's been amazing.

"Hm?" Colby answers turning towards me. I look him up and down biting my lip. He's in just a pair of red boxers. He loves walking around like this ever since we moved.

"So I was thinking," I state.

"Thinking what?" he questioned.

"Since we've finally come out to the fans and everything and stuff have died down. Plus we just got off a world tour/- show and finally, have time to ourselves for a while as we have already a lot of videos ready to be uploaded." I ramble.

"My Omega. Spit it out," he says.

"Can we have pups?" I ask. I go shy biting my lip and looking to the ground. Colby makes his way towards me lifting my head up by my chin.

"Of course," he whispers.


Crawling into bed I stretch along my Alphas body. Snores already coming out of his mouth. I kiss his cheek resting my head on his chest drifting off.

I'm awoken by slow and gentle kisses, starting at my neck, to my shoulders and down the center if my back. I hum in content, letting my eyes stay closed.

"Morning my Omega" I hear Colby mumble.

"Morning my Alpha" I answer before whimpering as he spreads my ass. I will never get used to the feeling of him touching me. It sends electricity through my veins. He kisses my hole before licking across it. I jolt slightly against the bed, then noticing I'm hard as a rock against the sheets.

"You were hard when I woke up," Colby mumbled as he pulls away. He then slowly pushes a finger into me. "Thought it was perfect timing." I can literally hear the smirk in his voice.

Slowly he works me up to three fingers making me squirm. I start to rick back on them as I bury my face into my pillow. I cum untouched into the sheets. Carefully Colby pulls his fingers out before flipping me on my back. He leans in for a kiss, running his hand that isn't balancing him across my stomach and chest.

"Colby" I whine as he pulls away, but I'm met with a new sensation as Colby pushes into me slowly.

"God, why didn't we do this sooner?" he moans. "Feels so much better without a condom." I almost laugh, but he trusts into me hard, actually pushing my body to the bed a little.

"Fuck Col- Alpha," I yell. His blue eyes turn a bright red and his hand snakes up to wrap around my neck.

"Good Sammy, good Omega," Colby says repeatedly as he pounds into me. I cum untouched again between us whining high pitched. I go to reach for him but he takes both of my hands in one if his and holds them above my head. Leaning down he kisses me roughly.

"Please, " I beg him. Both if us understanding what I mean without even having to say it. Colby's hips begin to stutter and he cums hard, deep inside me. My eyes roll back and my back arches at the new feeling cumming between us.

"Fuck," Colby says, his hips keep stuttering, almost not able to stop them from moving.

A while later Colby is able to pull out. He stays there, watching my ass as if it's some kind of animal.

"What?" I ask blushing from the long and intense stare.

"Nothing is stopping out. " Colby says dumbfounded.

"Not supposed I when you're an Omega," I say in a duh tone. He growls deep in this throat and I go silent, not wanting to upset him at all. Carefully he lays beside me, reaching out the starts rubbing my stomach. I look at him questioningly.

"Pups." is all he says.

"There is no way you can tell already," I say. But Colby just nuzzles my stomach, kissing it lightly before pulling me to him as we fall asleep.


Little did we know, Colby was right that night. 9 months later I gave birth to our child.

Ryan Patric Golbach- Brock

He was such a lovely little boy. He wrapped everyone around him around his little finger. He was mine and Colbys little angel and he still is even after all these years.

We watched him take his first steps, speaking his first words up to walking through puberty, experimenting with both genders, having girlfriends as well as boyfriends and now he is all grown up and about to graduate along with his mate.

I'm so proud of my son. Deciding to try for pups was definitely the right choice.

Getting pregnant with Ryan that night was one of the best things ever, along with meeting Colby all those years ago and marrying him. I'm so thankful for him and my son. I love them with everything I have.

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