46.Vampire x Werewolf #2

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Kanas comes. The full moon comes. Their party comes and goes and Sam and Colby get tipsy and are too grabby with each other but don't really care, and Sam stares at Colby too long under the full moon, gazes.

"Show me your mouth," he murmurs, half-drunk. "Wanna see your teeth." Colby's got his arms snaked around Sam and is kissing his shoulder, Colby pulls back and bares his teeth. They're not unlike Sam's, elongated fangs, the rest of his teeth sharper too.

It'd hurt to get bitten by that, Sam thinks foggily, pulls Colby in for a kiss, tongue kisses him, runs his tongue across those teeth briefly before tangling with Colby's tongue, letting it grace across his own, pulling back.

"Back to your place?" Sam asks, a little desperately, horny. He can't be blamed. He's young and Colby looks so good right now, that really, it's amazing he's not pulling at Colby's clothes as it is.

"Yeah," Colby groans, and they take a cab, making out busily, hands groping over their upper halves, over clothing, grabbing at upper arms and hair and mussing each other up, barely breaking apart until it becomes apparent that they're at Colby's home, and then Colby stuffs too much money in the cabbie's hand, tells him, "Keep the change," and Sam drags him out of the cab and kisses him under the full moonlight.

"Take me upstairs and fuck me," Sam groans into Colby's mouth. "Wanna feel it. Wanna feel you knotting me."

"Only if you bite me," Colby hisses out as Sam gropes his ass firmly. "Do it, Sam."

"Yeah, sure," Sam says. He'd do anything that Colby asked him to at this point. His brain's far too addled to be realistic.

So they climb the staircase, still kissing, to Colby's room, where they fall onto Colby's bed and Sam is on top, lazily thrusting into Colby's groin, hard as a rock, and Colby pulls back.

Colby looks at Sam with a lingering gaze. "How many people have you bitten?"

"Three," Sam murmurs. "I bit my cousin when I was eight. He was ten and wanted to know what it felt like and I was young and stupid. Then when I was thirteen, I bit my friend Stacy because she wanted to know what it felt like too, and then Katrina, my ex."

"Did they all taste the same?" Colby asks.

Sam shivers. "No, they all tasted different. My cousin tasted bland - probably because we were related. Stacy tasted like candy. I wanted to drink her forever. She was hard to pull away from - she was really light-headed when I did. Katrina tasted like good wine does. She was sweet and a little sharp."

Colby stretches out beneath him, turns his neck. "What do you think I'll taste like?"

Sam closes his eyes and breathes in slow and deep. "I've got no idea." He feels Colby's hands tangle into his hair and bring him in close, bring him so that his face is resting against Colby's neck.

"Go on, do it," Colby encourages him. Sam kisses Colby's throat, can practically smell the heat coming off Colby for how pent up Colby is.

"So I've heard werewolves can last for like an hour," Sam comments, trying to get back into control.

"Yeah, we can, when we're not so horny it feels like we've got blue balls. Which I do, trust me, I'm not going to last an hour. I'll be lucky to last twenty minutes. You've got me so worked up, Sam. You're like nothing I've ever experienced." Colby murmurs.

"Good or bad?" Sam asks. Colby tightens his fingers into Sam's hair as Sam bites gently, scraping his teeth over Colby's throat.

"Amazing." Colby groans. "Bite me, Sam. Come on. I wanna feel you do it."

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