14.breathing you in 2

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But his lips stopped centimetres away from Colby's and he slowly exhaled into the boy's mouth. Colby almost forgot to inhale but he did and it burned as the smoke made its way down his throat, curling into his lungs. And he really needed to cough but he held it in as Sam pulled back, staring intently down at him.

His lungs and throat felt like they were on fire and his eyes were tearing up. "Breathe out, babe." Sam muttered, stroking over Colby's cheek.
And Colby did just that, coughing and sputtering as the smoke left his body. Sam took another hit of the joint as he let Colby calm down, lightly trailing his hand down the boy's neck. He placed the joint back in the ash tray as he tilted his head back, puffing out perfect rings of smoke.

He looked down to the boy with bloodshot eyes making Colby wonder if his looked like that too. "Alright?" Sam mumbled. Colby nodded slowly. His brain felt a little fuzzy. Almost like he was drunk, but not quite. He was lightheaded and his limbs felt heavy where his arms lay limply by his sides. His eyelids fluttered slightly, his vision going out of focus.

He looked up just in time to see Sam exhale smoke through his nose, the sight making his cock give an appreciative twitch in the confines of his tight jeans. He never thought smoking could be attractive but Sam was quickly changing his mind.

"You wanna give it another go?" Sam breathed out, his voice soft and breathy. "Yeah, fuck." Colby grumbled, licking over his lips.
Sam's eyes followed the movement of the boy's tongue before he brought the joint up to his lips, inhaling deeply and holding it in before leaning down to Colby. Colby parted his lips, waiting for the smoke to fill his mouth.

Instead he felt a warm, wet pair of lips pressing against his own. He gasped just as Sam was exhaling, the smoke quickly filling his lungs. He closed his mouth and held his breath, Sam's lips just barely pressing to the corner of his mouth.

After a few seconds, he let out a huge breath. He felt Sam's mouth curl up into a smile against his cheek before the boy started giggling uncontrollably. "Oops." He breathed out. "Sorry. I- I kinda missed. Well, actually... I was dead on but that's beside the point." Sam giggled.

Colby was sitting there, frozen in shock, just letting the drug take over.
"Colby, you alright?" Sam mumbled, tucking his face under Colby's jaw. He could feel Colby's deep breaths being exhaled out of his nose, the air hitting the top of his head. "Colbs..." Still no response. He reached in between them and lightly pinched Colbys's nipple, making the boy jump.

"Ow, hey. What was that for?" Colby grumbled, rubbing over the sensitive bud. "You weren't responding so I had to take action." Sam said.
"So you pinch my nipple?" Colby said, moving his hand from his chest to rest on Sam's hip.

"It was either that or me biting you and potentially leaving a mark. I was simply going for the safer option out of the two." Sam explained, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Colby let out a small sigh and gently pushed his hand up the back of Sam's shirt, lightly scratching over his back. Sam let out a soft noise as he pressed his face into Colby's neck, his back arching making him press down into the boy beneath him.

See, Sam had a slight problem. When he got high, he would sometimes get horny. It's not like it's an uncommon thing but right now was not the best time for it to happen. His skin was on fire with every drag of Colby's nails raking across his back but goose bumps still followed the trail his hand left. He could feel his cock slowly hardening in his joggers and he should pull away, this isn't right but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead, he let himself harden on top of the boy he definitely didn't have feelings for, breathing deeply into said boy's neck.

And Colby felt it. Colby felt all of it. The deep breaths. The hard press of Sam's dick against his. Sam's fingers curling around his shoulders. His body was hypersensitive and completely aware of everything going on.

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