80.you're perfect

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Sam was standing under a tree, thumbs tapping away at his phone as Colby walked over. "Hey beautiful," he said, lifting Sam's chin to steal a kiss. Sam's cheeks heated as they always did. "Ready to go?"

Sam nodded, sliding his phone into his pocket and adjusting the baby blue flower crown atop his head. Colby wrapped his arm around Sam's waist and kissed his cheek as they began to walk towards Colby's house.

His parents were away for the weekend on a getaway and while Colby was told no wild parties, a night in with his boyfriend was much more to his liking. He may act stuck up at school but Sam knew he was a big softy behind his punk aesthetic.

They arrived at Colby's house quickly as it was only a ten minute walk. He let go of Sam to pull out his keys and unlock the front door, gesturing for Sam to enter first.

Colby grabbed a bag of crisps from the kitchen and led Sam upstairs to his room. Turning on the xbox, he took his seat next to Sam on the bed, passing him a remote. They played Mario Kart for the next few hours before progressing to dinner and a movie. Sam cuddled into Colby's side as he ate his food, the flower crown now resting on the coffee table rather than his blonde hair.

Colby's arm was wrapped securely around Sam's shoulders, every so often tilting his head to kiss Sam's soft hair. They were the perfect couple. Despite how opposite they appeared to be, they completed each other in all the right ways.

About half way through the movie, they had began kissing, choosing to focus on each other rather than the film. Colby had pushed Sam onto his back, kissing his cheeks, nose and mouth before deepening the kiss.

Sam gasped as Colby slid his hand under his shirt. They'd never gone much further than this. Sam had always wanted to wait before he lost his virginity and Colby respected that desire. He wanted it to be special and with the right person, a wonderful memory that he would cherish.

This felt like the perfect moment and Colby was definitely the perfect person. Sam lightly pushed Colby back so he could speak. "I want you," he breathed out, leaning forward to capture Colby's lips again.

The older boy quickly pulled back though. "Are you sure?" His eyes were filled with so much love and trust that Sam couldn't help but nod.

"Yes I'm sure. God, you're perfect." Colby smiled at that, leaning forward to kiss Sam quickly.

"You're so beautiful, Sam. How was I ever lucky enough to get you?" Colby's hands explored Sam's stomach and chest as he slowly pushed Sam's shirt up. Soon enough, his shirt was removed, Colby's joining it on the floor seconds later.

Sam's cheeks were a lovely pinkish red colour, a shade that only came up when Colby made a crude joke. Colby loved that shade, might even be his favorite colour. "How 'bout we head to my room?" Colby whispered, leaning in to kiss Sam's burning cheeks.

Sam simply nodded. This was getting close to uncharted territory and his school pants were already uncomfortably tight.

Colby took Sam's hands and pulled him up off the couch, leading him to his room. He gently lay Sam on the bed before climbing over him and resuming their previous activities.

"Colbyyyy," Sam whined as the brunette's mouth went lower and lower on Sam's stomach.

"Yes babe?"

"Stop teasing."

"I want this to be perfect for you. I'm not rushing, deal with it."

"Colllllbyy," Dan said again, extending the 'l' in his name. Colby simply ignored him, continuing to kiss his way down Sam's stomach. Soon enough, he hooked his fingers around the top of Sam's face and looked up at the flustered boy.

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