Chapter One

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"y/n, I want you to go on a break."

Your eyes widened, "I-I can't, uncle. I don't want to, I want to stay here and help-"

He hushed you, "That's an order, y/n." You sighed, "I don't get why I need to take a break,"

Your uncle chuckled, "You've been working your butt off, missy. Now, since Christmas is right around the corner, you might as well take a break for the rest of December off."

Your jaw dropped, "I-I can't, uncle. That's just too much-" He clipped your lips together with his fingers, "That is all, I don't want you complaining, got it?"

You nodded, he lets go of your lips. You sighed, "You didn't need to do that!" You raised your voice slightly. He laughed, "Well, I am your boss. Not only that, but your uncle."

You heaved a breath, "I guess you have a point."

Your uncle chuckled, walking away. He placed his hands behind his back while he continued walking down the empty hallway. "Your break starts tomorrow!" You heard him yell.

You let out a heavy sigh, "This is gonna be hard."

You dropped yourself on your couch, head first. You groaned and rolled around your couch, almost falling off.

The door opened, you turned your head towards it.

Junyung placed his car keys down on the counter top, "Okay, what happened?"

"My uncle wants me to take a break. For the whole month of December." He rolled his eyes, "Isn't that a good thing?"

You shrugged, "I don't know. I want to work with uncle."

"Well, you can't disobey him now, can you?" You sighed, shaking your head.

Junyung slowly started loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt, "By the way, you do know you're wearing a skirt, right?"

Your face turned bright red, you quickly sat up. He chuckled, walking towards his room.

"It also might be a great idea to visit Korea while you're at it." He yelled, enough for you to hear. Your eyes grew wide, "That's a great idea!"

Junyung came back with new clothes, he sat down on the couch beside you. "You are coming, right?" You looked at him with wide eyes. He laughed nervously, rubbing his nape, "Well, sort of."

Your eyes grew even wider, "W-What?! What do you mean?"

"My business partner and I will be meeting at Seoul and afterwards, were going to another country."

You groaned, "Why are you so busy." You whined. Junyung laughed, "Tell you what, you come with me and I'll let you stay at my place while I'm gone?"

You shook your head immediately, "Nope, nuh uh, not doing it. Nope,"

Junyung held your shoulders, gently pushing you back and forth, "You're going, alright? I'll show you around my place and all that, you have no choice." You sighed, "Fine,"

He gave you a smile, "That's my girl." Junyung slowly stood up, walking towards the counter and grabbed his car keys. "I'm heading to McDonald's, what do you want?"

You gasped, standing up, "I want [insert McDonald's food you'd like]!" You smiled widely at him. He rolled his eyes, "I'm getting you a salad instead," he teased. You grabbed a cushion and threw it at him, he dodged it.

Junyung laughed, "I was just kidding, love you~" he waved and left. You sighed, taking your seat.

"You better be changed when I get back, lazy ass." You heard him yell through the door. "Aish, go get McDonald's already."

He laughed, you then heard footsteps leaving.

You walked towards your room and changed into your comfy clothing. Wearing an oversized white t-shirt paired up with joggers.

After a while, Junyung finally arrived. He opened the door with a shit ton of paper bags. "Jeez, the streets of America these days are just full of traffic." He complained, placing the paper bags on the counter.

You chuckled, "That's what you get for telling me to eat a salad." He sighed, "I was just joking. Plus, you're the one waiting. I already snacked on some fries on the way."

You started throwing cushions at him again, "You beast!" You yelled, he just laughed, dodging every cushion you threw.


I sat down on the ground, taking deep breaths. Hyungs were drinking water and left the room while I was alone with Jimin who was taking selcas.

I grabbed my water bottle and took a sip. I felt someone sitting right next to me. Its Jimin.

He smiled, "What are you up to, maknae?"

I shook my head, chuckling, "Nothing, just resting."

Jimin slowly nodded, "Hey, are you excited?" He asked, nudging me with his elbow. I raised my eyebrows, "Excited? For what?"

"Were moving back to Korea, duh. Didn't Namjoon hyung tell you?" I shook my head, "I've been busy lately, I guess." Jimin playfully punched my shoulder with his small fist, laughing. I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm also thinking about throwing a Christmas party since Christmas is near." He added. I raised my eyebrows, "What? Really?"

He nodded, as he parted his lips, hyungs finally arrived.

"Are you guys ready for another round?" Hoseok hyung asked. I nodded, "Yup,"


I ran down the channels, trying to find something to watch. Junyung passed out already, probably from his work. I mean, he travels almost everywhere so..

I saw a channel, and my hand dropped the remote.

"2, 3, Bangtan! Hello, we are Bangtan Boys." The 7 boys said in unison.

I gulped, my heart sank underground. I stared at the screen, no words left my mouth.

"Its nice seeing you boys again. Its many years since debut?"

"Its been about.. 3 years, I believe?" Namjoon said.

The hosts laughed, "You boys changed so much and your fans have been increasing so much."

"Well, honestly, Jungkook changed the most." They all turned their heads towards the man.

He laughed sheepishly, bowing.

He was about to say something, but the TV screen suddenly went black.

"You should get some rest." Junyung said, placing the remote on top of the glass table.

I rubbed my nape, "A-Alright," I headed towards my room and closed the door behind me. I dropped myself on my bed and looked at the ceiling.

"its been a while since I saw him." You thought.

You shook your head, "Its fine, y/n. You've moved on and he moved on as well." You chuckled.



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