Chapter Forty Six

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The concert was over and Jungkook dragged you somewhere private. You stayed silent and observed him head to toe. He's grown so much.

He stopped dragging you and faced you, "you were in the concert the whole time?" He asked. You nodded, "Bangtan went to my apartment and told me about the plan. And well, I obviously joined in."

Jungkook quickly hugged you tightly. You hugged him back and smiled. "I missed you so much.." he said. You chuckled, "I missed you more." He landed a kiss on your head, "I missed you most."

You both let go of each other. Jungkook rubbed his nape, "I was planning on looking for you, to be honest.." he chuckled. You laughed, "I honestly didn't hear the news about Bangtan having a concert here until Bangtan went into my apartment."

"They're good brothers." You said, looking at Jungkook. He smiled, "yup.." you couldn't help but feel Jungkook looking at you head to toe.

"What?" You asked. "You've lost..weight." He said. "That's what Seokjin said yesterday!" You both laughed. "Is Junyung feeding you well?"

"Of course I am." Junyung appears out of nowhere with Bangtan behind him. "Thank you guys so much." Jungkook bowed. They all laughed at the boy, "it's no problem. You deserve it."

Jungkook held onto your hand and smiled at you. "Unfortunetely were leaving first thing in the morning.. right?" Jungkook frowned slightly. Bangtan smiled at each other, "Were staying here longer, Jungkookie."

His eyes widened and was astonished. "R-Really?!" They nodded, "we talked to BangPD and he agreed." Jungkook cheered loudly, making everyone smile.

You took a sip of tea from your cup, doing work on your laptop. Someone knocked on the door. You stood up and placed your cup down, "coming," you said and walked towards the door. You opened and no one was there.

"Fucking prankers." You swore under your breath and you felt arms wrapped around your waist. Someone rested his chin on top of your head and chuckled, "someone's grumpy."

You smiled lightly when you heard Jungkook's voice. "What are you doing here? It's so early." You asked. He lets go of you and closed the door, "were going on a date, duh."

"I-In public? Or are we having another of your picnics?" He laughed nervously, "w-why would you think like that." He scoffed. "Jungkook," you slightly glared at him.

He sighed, "fine, I was planning on having a picnic date. BUT IMMA CHANGE THAT!" He said and walked around, "Were gonna have a..SHOPPING DATE! Girls love shopping, right?"

"Jungkook, did you just stereotype me?" His eyes widened and quickly laughed, "let's just have a shopping date." You slowly nodded, "okay?" You walked towards your room and changed clothes.

Jungkook took out his phone, "operation picnic is over." He said.

Bangtan groaned, "WE WORKED SO HARD INTO THIS PICNIC!" Jimin groaned. Seokjin started eating on the food he had prepared.

"I'm so tired," Yoongi, who was on the grass with eyes shut, groaned. "Yah! You literally did nothing!" Seokjin said with his mouth full.

"Well, I am helping. I'm checking if the grass is wet, cold, or dry." He said with his eyes still shut. "Well is it?" Taehyung asked. "Too lazy to answer. Bye." He falls asleep.

"Guys, can I help now?!" Namjoon said from the distance. They looked at each other and nodded, giving him a thumbs up. He excitedly runs towards them. "Brace yourselves!" Hoseok said and made a run for it. Seokjin hid his food inside his sweatshirt and continued chewing. Namjoon approaches and everything falls to the ground.

"Whoops," he said. "It's fine," they all said in unison. 

"I'm back," you said. Jungkook quickly stood up straight and looked at you head to toe. "You look amazing." He said. You smiled lightly, "thanks,"

You both walked around town. "Jungkook, you're not wearing a mask." You whispered, looking around. "It's fine, nothing will happen." You lift an eyebrow, "you sure?" He nodded.

The date ended up on the mall. You both bought a bunch of things for yourselves but mostly for each other. Jungkook bought matching sweatshirts. You took a picture and printed it out, framing it.

And in the end of the day, no fans followed or paparazzi came and flashed cameras at Jungkook. It was a great day.

You both said your goodbyes as Jungkook left your apartment. You walked inside your room and placed a framed photo of you and Jungkook on your bedside.


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