Chapter Eight

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You slowly sat up, stretching. You did what you usually did every time you wake up.

Get on your phone.

You missed a text from Jimin. You checked his message.

jimin: I am so so sorry

jimin: we didn't mean to end the night like that

jimin: we are so sorry y/n

You hesitated to reply. But you still felt guilty leaving just because you accidentally touched lips with Jungkook.

you: its okay jimin

you: it wasn't your fault

He replied. Your eyes widened, you didn't expect a fast reply. I mean, it was almost 12 in the afternoon, so you couldn't exactly call it early.

jimin: yeah but us as the members of Bangtan, we are very sorry

you: hahaha don't be so formal

jimin: you must've felt embarrassed

jimin: I mean..who wouldn't? Again we are extremely sorry

you: its completely fine 

jimin: thanks, that's a relief but we still are sorry.

jimin: and btw what time are you coming? 

You raised your eyebrows,

you: what?

you: what do you mean?

you: did i miss something last night?

you: did i promise something?

jimin: HAHAHAHAHA don't worry you didn't promise anything

jimin: I just meant,

jimin: when are you picking your car up? You left it here at our place lol

You facepalmed, "shit..I forgot." You mumbled to yourself, clicking your tongue.

you: shit i forgot

you: thanks for reminding me

jimin: I would've drove your car to your place since uhh..Jungkook knows but I had multiple reasons

jimin: one, you were probably still asleep. two, you'd probably feel uncomfortable with me suddenly being at your house. three, you'd be more uncomfortable if I told you that I asked Jungkook where your place was. and lastly, to make this message short, my third reason, is because the keys aren't here with me

you: ahh..its completely fine

you: i'll get ready rn so i'll probably be there in about 15-20 minutes?

jimin: alright, I'll wait

jimin: btw have you eaten lunch yet?

you: nope

jimin: good, lets have lunch together

jimin: I might as well pay you back for the trouble that happened yesterday

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