Chapter Seventeen

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"Hey," Tae shook you gently. You slowly opened your eyes, seeing his face close to yours.

He smiled, "were here." He said. You raised a brow and looked around, noticing the sun slowly descending.

"How long has it been?" You asked, worried. "You've been asleep for 6 hours straight."

"W-Wait..didn't you guys say the ride was only 5-6 hours long?"

Taehyung laughed nervously, "well, you see, the car sort of..broke down and we needed to stop for about 2 hours."

Your eyes widened, "I-I was asleep the whole time?!" You said. He slowly nodded.

"Don't worry though, were almost there." Taehyung said. "And also," he suddenly held your hand.

"I love you, y/n." He said.

"y/n?" Taehyung shook you. You quickly opened your eyes, "y-yes?"

"Good, you're awake. Were here," he said. You looked around, noticing a beautiful beach.

The ocean was crystal clear. "Whoa.." you said to yourself.

Taehyung chuckled, "the others already left and unpacked their things and I didn't want to disturb you until you started mumbling random things."

You laughed nervously, "r-right.."

He smiled widely, "what were you dreaming about, hmm?" He smirked. You gulped, "n-nothing!"

He pouted, "you're keeping secrets." Your eyes widened, "I-I'M REALLY NOT!" You were in denial.

By the distance, Jungkook was watching the two of you. He sighed heavily, looking down

Jimin held onto the boy's shoulder, startling him. "Jesus," Jungkook held onto his chest, "you scared me."

"Watching them I see." Jimin said. Jungkook stayed silent and looked at you and Tae.

"Why don't you go and join them?" Jimin asked. Jungkook shook his head, "that's just rude, hyung."

"Well, do you have any plans?" He asked the boy. He shrugged, "I'll just let life do it's job." He said and walked away.

Jimin was left alone and he continued watching the two of you.

He looked at the time, 2:37 pm.

He sighed, "I'm sorry, Kookie." He said and took out his phone.

chim: boys, meet me by the hut.

princesshyung: you mean THE hut?? Oh this has to be serious

destrucc: on my way 👍
seen by the sun, rock

The 5 boys gathered at a hut. "What's it about?" Hoseok asked, still wearing his swim trunks and his yellow goggles, a green noddle in his hands.

"You swam already?" Yoongi asked. Hoseok scoffed, "I know that you know I already swam."

"Everyone," Jimin said as everyone headed towards their seats.

Inside the hut was an office-like area. It may look tropical from the outside but from the inside, it's nothing than a meeting room of Bangtan.

"Jungkook is jealous." He finally said.

Everyone gasped loudly. "Hey! You're not kidding, right?" Jin asked. "What's he jealous of?" Namjoon asked.

"He wants to talk to y/n like how Tae talks to her." Jimin said.

"OUR BABY KOOKIE IS CRUSHING ON Y/N AGAIN?!" Jin exclaimed. Jimin quickly shook his head, "it's not like that! He just wants to talk to y/n alone just like how Tae does."

They all slowly nodded. Jimin sighed, "Jungkook said he can do this himself, but we can't leave the guy alone on this." He said.

"So what are you trying to say?" Yoongi asked. "What I'm trying to say is, we need to help Jungkook and I know exactly how."


yeet another chapter

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