Chapter Five

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3rd Person

2 weeks later,

It has been 2 weeks since you've been staying at Seoul. It wasn't the easiest since you were used to American culture for so long. But you're getting used to it.

You've been receiving messages from Jimin. Ever since Junyung traveled to Australia, he only video called once and called only twice. You've been feeling..lonely.

You stood up from your bed and made your way towards the kitchen with your phone. Your phone vibrated and you checked.

jimin: the christmas party is tonight, are you excited??

you swore in your head, you completely forgot.


You bit your lip as Jimin replied back to your text.

jimin: I'll see you at 9

jimin: I'm so hyped i can't wait for the others to get surprised :D

You turned your phone off and screamed internally. You continued to swear in your head nonstop. 

You slammed your head at the wall, "shit--" you yelled, rubbing the part of your head that hurt.

Then it hit you, "Should I tell Junyung.." you thought. You shook your head, "you can make your own decisions, y/n. You don't need Junyung. Better yet anyone." You placed your hands on your hips, smiling confidently.

"You can do this, y/n." You said to yourself, smiling.

It was the time. You glanced at your phone to check if you were at the right address Jimin sent you. You started to approach the glass door until someone pulled you inside. 

"You're actually here!" A man smiled. You laughed nervously, "h-hey.."

He laughed, "its me, Jimin." Your lips parted, looking at him head to toe, "you..damn," he smiled, "whats wrong?"

You shook your head, "you just..lost so much weight, whoa." You nudged him, "what happened to your chubby cheeks?" He chuckled, "there's no time for that, the party is starting."

You looked at him with wide eyes, "I thought you said the party starts at 9??" He chuckled, rubbing his nape, "about that.."

"I decided to start an hour early because I want people to, I guess what the ARMYs says, 'shook' when they see you." He laughed, his eyes becoming small when he smiles.

You chuckled, "can't wait, I guess." Jimin grabbed your hand, "lets head upstairs, can't keep the surprise waiting now can we?" He started dragging you towards the elevator.

The metal doors open and you both entered, he clicked on a button and the elevator started running. You couldn't help but glace at Jimin, noticing how much puberty hit the boy.

He caught you staring, you quickly looked away. He chuckled, holding onto your hand, "don't worry," he gave you a smile. You couldn't help but smile back at him being cheesy.

A bell rung and the metal doors opened. Jimin went out and you followed behind him.

He walked towards the sofa and stood tall on it, "KIM NAMJOON, KIM SEOKJIN, MIN YOONGI, JUNG HOSEOK, PARK JIMIN, KIM TAEHYUNG, THE MAKNAE, WHERE ARE YOU!" He started yelling.

You couldn't help but feel your chest pounding. You felt yourself sweating even though the AC was clearly on. 

He jumped down the sofa and a group of men approached him. You looked down and didn't bother lifting your head up. 

"What is it, Jiminie?" Taehyung asked. Jimin smiled at each one of them, "I want you to meet someone."

They all looked at each other with wide eyes, "you do know you're too busy to date, right?" Namjoon asked. Jimin laughed, "I know, but I can tell you'll be very 'shook' when you meet this person."

"y/n, go on." He turned to look at you with his smile. You slowly lift your head up and did a 90 degree bow in front of the boys, "h-hello--"

They all surrounded you, "IS THAT REALLY YOU?!" Seokjin asked, raising his voice slightly. "OH MY GOD, PLEASE TELL ME THIS ISN'T A DREAM, YOONGI PINCH ME!" Hoseok yelled, making the scene more dramatic than it should be.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and looked at you head to toe, "you've grown," he said. You couldn't help but feel your cheeks heating up. 

You noticed Taehyung was shocked as ever. You smiled lightly at the boys, "its good to see you all, Bangtan."

They all looked at each other then laughed, making you feel embarrassed. "D-Did I do something wrong..?" Namjoon shook his head, "no, you didn't."

"Its just that you're talking to us formally even though were technically the same boys who went to the same high school as you did." Taehyung said. You laughed, "I guess you're right,"

Taehyung started looking around, "now wheres that maknae?" He looked around. Your heart sank. 

Jimin laughed nervously, "now, now, that maknae can take care of himself, you all know that." Taehyung slowly nodded, "yeah but doesn't he also have to meet y/n?" Jimin sighed, "he doesn't have to, Tae."

Your lips quivered. You wanted to say something but your body just froze.

"Now, shall we have fun, y/n--"

"I don't mind meeting Jungkook." You finally said. They all looked at you. You took a breath, "I don't mind seeing him. I mean, it'd be good if I got to know him after all these years."

They started dragging you, "p-please, what is going--"

"This is for your own good, y/n." Hoseok said as they all continued to push you towards a room. Taehyung opened the door and they all pushed you in lightly.

They closed the door and locked it. It was a door that had no lock inside but there was outside.

You knocked on the door continuously, "Guys, this isn't funny!" You yelled, continuing to knock on the door.

"Were sorry y/n but it must be done!" Taehyung said.

You heaved a breath and turned around, noticing a muscular figure. Your heart sank when you realized.

"y/n?" Jungkook said, looking at you. 


i'm busy nowadays so i'm very sorry for the slow updates ;-;

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