Chapter Nine

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You and Jimin stepped away from each other awkwardly, your cheeks burning hot red.

Jungkook looked away slightly and cleared his throat, "did I..interrupt something?" He asked, raising his eyebrows slightly.

Jimin laughed sheepishly and shook his head, "you interrupted nothing, now what did you need?" He asked, facing Jungkook.

Jungkook's eyes widened and he looked away, laughing nervously. Jimin raised his eyebrows, "is something wrong?" 

Jungkook slowly shook his head, "n-nothing. I just umm.." Jimin suddenly bursts out of laughter, "you forgot what you were saying?"

Jungkook smiled awkwardly as his cheeks turned slightly red.

Jimin ruffled the boy's hair, "it happens to all of us, Kookie." Jimin chuckled, "I mean, who wouldn't forget what they were saying after seeing how cute y/n looks right now."

Jungkook got even redder, he took a glance at you and looked away. He wanted to mesmerize your look but he just felt uncomfortable.

"I-I think Jin hyung is calling me.." he said, trying to escape this awkward atmosphere. 

Jungkook slowly walked towards the door and was about to leave, "Jungkook-ah, do you want to come with us? Were heading to the mall for lunch." 

Jungkook turned to look at you two, "uhh--" Jimin smiled, "go get changed, you're coming with us."

As much as Jungkook wants to not go, he knows Jimin was serious about his words.

The three of you walked around the mall as the other two wore black masks that covered their nose and mouth.

Jungkook wore a black cap as well. 

"Where do you wanna go?" Jimin said through his mask. "A-Anywhere really, I don't mind." 

He turned to Jungkook who seemed left out, "what about you?" Jungkook faced his hyung, "You could choose, you invited me last minute afterall."

Jimin nodded, "lets head to a restaurant." You looked around and noticed people haven't realized it was Jimin or Jungkook yet.

You felt relieved. You didn't want another huge crowd to chase you again.

You three headed towards a restaurant that seemed slightly familiar to you. "Seems like it was just yesterday, huh." Jimin smiled as he sat at a vacant table.

You and Jungkook followed awkwardly.

"I remember eating here with y/n and the others. Do you remember?" He asked Jungkook.

Jungkook slowly nodded, it was hard to read their faces since 99% of their face was covered. You only saw their eyes.

You ordered your food and ate. It was very awkward, you had to admit. No one talked and you just wanted to roll into a ball and roll away.

After 30 minutes or so, you three left the restaurant. "That was some great food, huh?" Jimin said, smiling widely. You smiled, nodding, "it brought back so much..memories." As much as you didn't want to say the word, you did.

Jimin's lips parted but he was interrupted by his phone ringing. He reached his pocket, "hello?" He nodded repeatedly, "alright."

He hung up from his phone and shoved it in his pocket.

"Who was that?" Jungkook asked. Jimin sighed, "BangPD wants to see me." You slowly nodded, "then lets--"

"Jungkook please stay with y/n and keep her company." Jimin said and before Jungkook could argue, Jimin walked away.

The two of you were silent. "Keep calm," you mumble to yourself.

Jungkook stood beside you but no words left his mouth. The atmosphere was filled with awkward silence.

You cleared your throat, making Jungkook pay attention to you.

"W-Why don't we head to the park?" You suggested. "I-I mean..its quiet, and its easier for you to hide from your fans. Plus, the mall is gonna fill up like a can of sardines once someone recognizes you."

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh, "alright,"

You both called a taxi and headed towards the nearest park.

The two of you walked around the park but it was still silent. You looked around and then realized.

This is the park you and Jungkook used to go to.

Everywhere you looked there's always a memory that you always wanted to forget.

You can tell Jungkook noticed it also.

"I-I am so so sorry," you said, bowing. Jungkook looked at you with his brows raised.

"This must be awkward." You said, trying to break the barrier between the two of you.

He pulled his mask down, revealing his bare face. "What do you mean?"

You rubbed your nape, "this place must be giving you all these bad memories, huh." 

Jungkook paused for a second and shook his head, making you slightly confused.

"I wouldn't really call it 'bad' memories. Just call it memories, unless--" he paused and regretted what he just said.

You both started walking and the silence was back again. Of course it was awkward.

Jungkook knows how much you hated awkward silence and you'd do as much to break it.

"Want to umm.." he paused and cleared his throat, "get some ice cream and..maybe talk?"

You didn't know what to say. His eyes widened, "Shit, I didn't mean like talk about the past but what I mean is--" he took a breath.

"What if we just forget about the past and I don't know..start over?" He asked with a reassuring smile, convincing enough, you bought it.

"Sure," you smiled back at him.

He held out his hand, "my name is Jeon Jungkook." He said, smiling.

You couldn't help but smile at the boy, you reached for his hand and shook it, "nice to meet you, I'm y/n," 


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