Chapter Two

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I walked towards my assigned seat, Junyung followed me from behind. I looked at my ticket and took quick glances on seats until I finally found it.

I took my seat and settled in. Junyung's seat was a row away from mine. I didn't mind so. I took a breath and looked out the window. Thank God my seat is by the window. 

"All passengers, please remain seated. The plane will be airing in a few minutes." The PA announced. Everyone got on their seats. I attached my seat belt around my waist and leaned against the chair, trying to find a comfy spot. 

I looked around and the girl beside me caught my attention. Her neck pillow had..Jungkook's face on it. I took a glance at her screen and it showed a m/v of BTS. I felt the air tensing up a bit, a bunch of memories from high school just appeared in my head, making me tear a little.

"y/n," Junyung called. I quickly turned my head to face him. "We should change seats," he insisted, giving me a serious expression. I shook my head, lowering it slightly. "I-I'll be fine, don't worry." I gave him a reassuring smile.

He didn't look too pleased with my answer. Junyung simply nodded and took his seat. The plane engine started and we were off.

I took out my headphones and played a bunch of songs, ignoring the girl beside me who kept smiling creepily at her screen.

The plane landed and I was waiting for Junyung to get his luggage. It took him a while but he eventually arrived. "Sorry, there was a slight problem."

"Its alright, were not in a hurry anyway." I shrugged it off.

He chuckled, "Alright, why don't we head out for lunch?" A smile crept on my face, "Then what are you waiting for? Lets go!" 


I smiled lightly at y/n's energy. She was always cute that way. But she's not always like this.

i knocked on y/n's door weakly. i turned to look at mina and she looked bummed. 

i heaved a breath, "y/n, please come out." i said in a gentle tone.

"leave me alone dammit!" we hear her yell from outside.

mina looked like she was about to tear up.

it hurt us both to see y/n sad because of jungkook.

i knock on the door once more, "y/n please. mina and i are here for you."

she didn't reply.

these past weeks, she's done nothing but cry all day. we'd see her at school and her eyes were all sore from crying. we'd try to stay with her but she'd always distance herself away from us.

i was about to knock again. mina tugged the bottom of my shirt, looking down. i simply nodded.

ever since that day, I vowed to make y/n happy. Even if it means to let her avoid Jungkook.

y/n grabbed my wrist and started dragging me. I watched her drag me with a smile on her face. But deep down, I know she's still bummed about the whole Jungkook thing. God, I hope she's not.

I sat down across her. We already ordered our food and we waited. We're finally back in Korea. Home sweet home. 

"Junyung," y/n called. I raised my eyebrows, turning my attention to her.

"I-If you're wondering, I moved on from the whole Jungkook incident." She looked away.

I slowly nodded, "I believe you, but its fine to not move on. I'm here for you."

She smiled lightly, "Thanks, Junyung. I'm glad a friend like you decided to stay with a person like me."

I smiled, "No problem. Mina will be so proud to hear this from you." y/n's smile grew wider.


I gasped at Junyung's house. "I forgot how big your house was." He chuckled, "Its not that big."

"So, I'll be staying here for a few days?" I asked. He nodded, "Or a few weeks since you'll be taking the whole December off." I heaved a breath, "I guess,"

Junyung smiled, "Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it." I playfully rolled my eyes, "Whatever," he laughed, "Jeez, you're still such a kid."

I couldn't help but yawn, "Get some rest." Junyung demanded. "You can sleep in my room, I'll sleep in the visitor's room."

"Why don't you—"

"y/n," he called, widening his eyes slightly.

I heaved a breath, "Fine," I walked towards his room which brought me so much memories.

i stayed silent, leaning on my legs. 

junyung and mina have been trying to cheer me up these past days.

they would whisper in each other's ear, nodding.

"jungkook," i kept repeating his name over and over.

I shook my head mentally, dropping my bag on the bed and dropped myself as well.

3rd person

Junyung sighed, "I'm leaving tomorrow..I might as well spend some time with her early in the morning." He stared at the ceiling, resting the back of his head on his hands.

You stood up from your bed and saw pictures of you, Junyung and Mina. You couldn't help but smile at the pictures. A picture caught your attention.

It was when Jungkook and Junyung were practicing. You took a breath and walked away without tears or anything.

"I've moved on." You whispered to yourself.


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