my letter

4.7K 123 28

if you couldn't tell, this isn't an update. i just wanted to write you guys a letter on how much i appreciate all and each one of you.

i decided to make this chapter to tell you all my progression and how thankful i am.

all of you have marked a special mark into my heart and as cheesy as it sounds, it really is true.

without you guys, dating an international playboy (or daip) would never had happened.

my first book was called "around the world", it was a bts fanfic but due to my anxiety, i unpublished it.

but after a while i published daip. i've had it for a few weeks and no progress has happened. but one day, after a long day of school, i went on and checked on my account, seeing it over 100+ reads.

i was beyong shocked. i wanted to yell my lungs out to the point my voice wouldn't exist.

this tells me that i should be patient. you'll never know what will happen. except for "around the world" though, that book sucked ass lmao.

and through a few months, i reached 200, 500, and soon..1k reads. i have never been so happy for myself.

i'm an insecure person when it comes to looks, talent, and just..everything else. i try to improve things but end up messing up big time.

and knowing that..well, some of you actually do care about me. it's hard to tell who but..some of you have been very caring and i appreciate it.

no one has disrespected my privacy and i appreciate it soo much. you all are so respectful with my private life off wattpad and i hope that never changes.

and there may be times i made mistakes and i hope you can all forgive me and will forgive me for my future mistakes.

anyways, my goals for this year before 2017 ends was to get

70k reads on daip
25k reads on daip2
2k votes on daip
1k votes on daip2

and i'd like to say..

i have completed everything and daip is already so close to 80k and idk what to do-- but rather than that, i thank you all so much.

this may be nothing for other authors, but every read matters to me so much. idk what to do without my account.

it's funny bc i haven't edited book1 and i'm pretty sure book2 doesn't have much mistakes as much as book1 so kill me since the first chapters have like 3k words so fu--

anyways, time is passing by faster than i thought. i'm probably already a year in writing fanfics and i still succ at it lmfao

anyways, thank you all so much and i'll try to update this book tomorrow, my children.


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