Chapter Seven

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Jimin and the others went out, they covered their eyes as the cameras continued flashing.

You just froze, your eyes were starting to tear from the camera flashes. "Were sorry to disturb you all, but--" Namjoon was interrupted by more questions the paparazzi were asking.

You just wanted to fall on your knees and yell your lungs out until your voice was gone. 

You felt a tight grip on your wrist and you were suddenly dragged through the crowd, bumping into a few shoulders. Your eyes were still blurry from the cameras but it started to be clear.

You were escorted into a car and you went in without hesitation. You didn't care who was saving you or who owned the car. You just wanted to be anywhere but the place. Your vision started to be clearer.

You turned your head to the figure on the driver's seat, "thank you so mu--" your eyes widened.

"J-Jungkook?!" You slightly raised your voice.

He looked at you and parted his lips but the paparazzi started running towards the car with their flashing cameras aiming at you. 

Jungkook started the car and stepped on the pedals without hesitation, driving the two of you away from the crazy paparazzi who were hungry for news.

The ride was silent. You and Jungkook didn't want to talk. Especially you.

Jungkook cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "So umm..are you okay?" He asked.

You didn't look at him, you just looked out of the window. "Yeah," you said. Jungkook slowly nodded and focused on the road.

"Why did you save me?" You quickly covered your mouth. 

Jungkook raised a brow and glanced at you, "because who wouldn't?" 

You felt slightly annoyed. "Why such a douche answer? Or is it just me?" You debated in your thoughts.

He heaved a breath, "fine, fine. I saved you because I mean, you saved me the other day too. Remember?" He smiled lightly.

You slowly turned your head towards him but you didn't look at him, "wait..what?"

He chuckled, "We talked about this earlier, you saved me from those crazy fans." You chuckled, "sasaengs you mean, right?" Jungkook nodded, "yup,"

"And because I know how to feels to be surrounded. No space to squeeze in and run. You're lucky that wasn't as much paparazzis." You slowly nodded at his words, "I guess you're right."

It went quiet. But it didn't feel as awkward as before.

You tried to hold your laugh in but failed. He glanced at you, still looking at the road though, "whats so funny?" He asked.

"Jungkook," he raised a brow.

"Where are we going?" You asked. Jungkook started laughing, "I guess I just got so interested in our little conversation that I forgot to ask you were I should drop you."

You shook your head, "its fine, you can just drop me here." He stopped on the breaks, turning to look at you, "you're not walking home tonight." 

You gazed at his facial features. He looks more mature than before. You quickly shook your head when you realized you were just looking at him. "Its fine, I can just walk. I do need the exercise."

"y/n, please just stop the good attitude and accept my offer. Plus, who knows. Those paparazzis might find you and run after you." He stated.

You laughed sheepishly, flattered by his concern for you. "Fine," you told him your address and he nodded, turning the steering wheel and started driving at the direction towards Junyung's house.


You both left his car and he walked you towards the front door. 

He looked at the house, "isn't his..Junyung's house?" He raised his eyebrows. You were surprised he still remembered Junyung's name.

You nodded, "yup, I'll be staying at his place for the month." You didn't really expect yourself to tell Jungkook.

He smiled lightly, looking at his shoes.

You looked at him, "what?" You asked, raising your eyebrows.

He shook his head, "it just reminds me of the time you and I were--" he immediately paused.

You slowly looked away, feeling uncomfortable.

Jungkook quickly bowed, "I-I'm--I didn't mean to--" he continued to stutter, his face being all red.

You couldn't help chuckle, "its fine, those memories were umm.." it went quiet. "memorable I guess," 

Jungkook couldn't help but smile. He rubbed his nape, "well, its getting late. You should go," you quickly nodded, "be sure to drive safe."

He chuckled, "I'll take note of that," he made his way towards his car and you watched him. 

Jungkook waved and opened the car door. You clenched the end of your sleeve, "Jungkook," you called.

He raised his head and raised his eyebrows.

You smiled, "Merry Christmas." He smiled back, "Merry Christmas to you too, y/n." 

You both looked at each other before he finally enters his car. You opened the door and went in, closing it behind you.

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