Chapter Thirty Four

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Jungkook arrived with a big smile on his face. He drove you home and it was a successful date. He started whistling as he happily walked towards his room.

"You're looking happy today." A deep raspy voice asked him, making him stop his steps. He turned and saw Taehyung with half opened eyes with messy hair, stirring his cup of coffee.

He laughed nervously, "y-yup." Taehyung took a sip from his mug, "how's your date?" He asked. Jungkook didn't respond at first, he was too busy observing the older's facial expression to see if he was pissed. It was always hard to tell, Taehyung is a good actor.

"It went great actually." Jungkook said, looking into his eyes. He nodded and took another sip. "You're not mad? Or..did you just wake up from your long sleep?"

Taehyung laughed, "both." The younger raised his two brows, "what?? I thought you liked y/n." Taehyung smirked, "who wouldn't like y/n?" He chuckled evilly as he took a sip from his mug.

Jungkook clenched his fists, about to yell. Taehyung laughed loudly, "I'm just kidding, maknae." He said. Jungkook was even more confused.

"I mean, y/n is a great person. She's cute, funny, and has an overall great personality." He gently placed his mug on the table, clasping his hands together. "But unfortunately, I don't like her."

Jungkook's eyes widened, "w-what?!" Taehyung laughed, "I played this game for too long and I guess it's time to come out clean. Yes, I have been playing with you."

"B-But why??" Jungkook exclaimed. Taehyung rolled his eyes, walking closer to the younger and held his shoulders, "I knew you'd fall for her all over again. Plus, it's about time you got the taste of your own medicine." He laughed. Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle, "I guess you're right on that.."

Taehyung smiled widely, patting the boy's back, "well, at least she knows now." He said, slowly walking away. Jungkook's smile slowly fades, "knows what?" Taehyung slowly turned, looking at the boy with questioned eyes.

"That you love her, duh." He said. Jungkook laughed nervously and started rubbing his elbow, smiling awkwardly. Taehyung sighed and folded his arms, "what now?"

"I did nothing, really. I just..didn't get to tell her that." He said, ashamed. Taehyung sighed but before he could lecture the boy,

"Well, I can't tell her that out of the blue. I'm still taking.. small baby steps." He mumbled. Taehyung slowly nodded, "I'm really not against that. But you may regret not telling her in the future."

Jungkook nodded, "I'll take note of that, hyung." He said. Taehyung chuckled, "don't do the same mistake I did." He mumbled. Jungkook raised an eyebrow, "what was that?" He shook his head, smiling, "nothing."

"I'm home." You said as you walked inside Junyung's house. He was on the couch, on his laptop with a hot cup of coffee. "Hey," he greeted.

Junyung was still in his oversized pajamas with his circular specs on. "How was your date?" He asked, taking a sip from his coffee mug.

You dropped your bag on the couch next to him, "it went better than I expected." You said and plopped down beside him. He nodded and slightly moved the bridge of his specs.

You looked at his laptop's screen.

cancelling flight tickets to USA

"What are you doing?" You asked. "Oh, well I got a message from your uncle that your trip has been expanded for 3 more days." He said.

Your eyes widened, "holy shit--THAT'S GREAT!" Junyung sighed, "sadly I can't have extensions." He said. You raised a brow, "why?"

"I have to head to Austrailia again. Ugh," he groaned as he scratched the back of his head. You pouted, "aww..I'm gonna be alone again."

Junyung rolled his eyes, "you're so fake, I swear to Lord Jesus." He said. "You're obviously going to throw a party and probably do some nasty shit when I'm gone."

Your eyes widened, "hey!" He laughed, "I'm kidding, don't worry." He said. Junyung stood up from the couch and grabbed his mug, walking away.

"My flight is tomorrow morning." He said. You nodded, "alright," and his head slowly tilted, "and no fucking. At least on my bed." He said and quickly walked away. You yelled at him.


taehyung's past  ùwú

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