Chapter Thirty Six

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"This is..very awkward." You thought.

You sat on the same table with Junyung, Mina, Jungkook, Bangtan, and not to forget..Lee Sye.

It was silent. Like really really silent. "Thank you for inviting us, Junyung and Mina." Namjoon said, breaking the awkward atmosphere. Mina laughed, "don't mention it."

And the silent came back. You knew it was only silent because..Lee Sye was there. "Awkward.." Hoseok mumbled to himself.

"I'll go get the food." Mina said and stood up. Junyung grabbed her wrist, "no, no. I'll do it." He said. Everyone started teasing them but they didn't care.

"I have to go to the um..bathroom." Taehyung said as he stood up and walked away from the table. It became silent again.

You took a sip from your water and took a breath, "I forgot something in my room." You said and excused yourself out of the table. You sighed as you walked down the hall.

Someone grabbed you and dragged you inside the bedroom. was Lee Sye. Your heart started pounding faster than the speed of life. He was gonna hold you but you pushed him away. "No, it's not like that. Trust me," he said.

But something about this words didn't feel suspicious to you at all. "I just..wanted to continue our conversation a while ago. Like..before Jungkook interrupted." He rubbed his nape. You slowly nodded.

"Maybe we should really start over. Like start over as friends again. I'm not forcing you." He said. "I just want to talk to you normally again without any awkwardness happening."

He slowly looked down and heaved a breath, "ever since graduation, I've had a new life. I changed. I'm a different person. But I never got the chance to apologize to you which made me guilty for all these past years. And ever since I spotted you, I.." he paused. "I saw opportunity."

You stayed silent. "I want to be different and I do believe I am now. So..will you forgive me?" He asked. You sighed and shrugged slightly, "I want to but..I don't want to risk anything, Lee Sye."

"Then I'll prove it to you." He said, making you shocked. "I'll do anything to change your mind about me and to earn your forgiveness." His words moved you. Maybe you should forgive him.

"Fine. I'll give you a chance." You said. A smile formed on his face, "thank you so much!" He bowed numerous of times. "How does tomorrow sound?" He asked.

You paused for a second. "This sounds like" You said. He shook his head, "it really isn't, trust me." You slowly nodded.

"I'll text you the details. Don't worry," he said and smiled.

As you all ate, Taehyung took a sip from his water and ran out. He stood up but Mina stood up earlier. "Here," she gave him the pitcher filled with cold water.

He bowed and took the pitcher from her. "You're too nice, Mina." Jimin said. She laughed, "what can I say, I do like helping people." Junyung chuckled, "seems like you don't like helping me then." He said.

Mina rolled her eyes, "I've helped you so much. You don't appreciate my hard work at all." Taehyung dropped the glass cup. He quickly stood up and bowed.

"Tae, are you feeling okay?" Jungkook asked. "I'm not feeling so good--" he passed out, landing on the floor. Luckily he didn't land on the shards of glass scattered around the floor.

Everyone got up from their seats and ran towards Taehyung. "I'll call the Ambulance." Junyung said and ran towards the phone.


i feel like my books have gotten worse

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