Chapter Forty Three

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Jungkook hands you your apple juice. "Thanks," you said and took a sip through the bendy straw it came with. "So, umm..I'm sorry for lying." He said and sat beside you. You sighed, "it's fine. At least you did it for my safety even wasn't necessary." You said, making him chuckle.

"Man, you're a cheesy fuck." You said and rested your head on his shoulder. Jungkook couldn't help but smile. "Do you wanna umm..I know this may not be the right time but.."

"Do you wanna have a date let's say..tomorrow?" He asked. You slowly sat up and your smile disappeared. "I'd love to but..I'm leaving Korea  tomorrow. And I need time to pack and all that." You exhailed, "I see your commitment to this relationship're an idol, I have a job in the US just can't happen.."

Jungkook held onto your hand, "then I'll wait." You raised your eyebrows, "what?"

"I'll wait for you. I don't care when you're coming back here to Korea, but I will wait." He said, looking deeply into your eyes. You felt your cheeks heating up, "y-you must be joking."

"Well, if I was joking, I wouldn't be this committed. Especially the fact my Jungcock is on the line." You laughed, "thanks, Kookie.." you said sheepishly. "I'll wait. Even if it'll take all my life, at least I waited."

"..w-what about ARMYs? And the paparazzi?" You asked. He scoffed, "they can do whatever they want. As long as they don't harm you, of course." He said.

"I don't know what to say.." he smirked, "say you love me." You didn't respond. "I was just kiddi--"

"I love you, Jungkook." You said.

His eyes widened. Jungkook's cheeks turned bright red, looking at you. You chuckled and rested your head on his shoulder, "you dork." You said and looked at your surroundings.

He smiled, "I love you too, y/n." He whispered.

"THERE YOU TWO ARE!" Seokjin yelled as you both entered the dorm. Jungkook chuckled, "yup."

"Where were you two this whole time? It's been..God knows how long." Jimin asked. "Oh, we were just hanging out, that's all." Jungkook said.

"Well, we were here worrying our butts off while you two were probably making out." Yoongi said as he playfully rolled his eyes. "Well, the good thing is, they're both back now." Namjoon said.

Junyung walked towards you and pinched your ear, "you immature child, WHAT WE'RE YOU THINKING?" He scolded. You yelled, "THAT HURTS!" You tried pushing him away. The others just laughed.

You and Junyung drove back home. "So..were leaving, huh." You frowned. He sighed, nodding. "I know you want to stay, but..we can't stay any longer."

"I know, I know.." you mumbled. "And I know you don't wanna ask your uncle for more extensions cause..well, you know he can't take care of the business all by himself."

You sunk deeper into the seat and exhaled, "I just wished life wasn't like this.." he pats your head gently, "me too, kid. Me too."

You slowly headed inside with Junyung giving you assistance. You sit down and looked at your surroundings blankly. "You can pack everything tomorrow, for now, get some rest. You had a long day." He said and walked away.

You nodded and followed Junyung's words. "Goddammit.." you mumbled. Your phone vibrated and you grabbed it.

are you feeling well?

yeah, what about you?

hey, you know i'm perfectly fine hahaha there is no point of you asking

well, how are you anyway?

i'm good :P

now that you're here ;)

hahahaha cheesy as always

you know it :PPP


will this be the end?

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