Chapter Forty Two

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Jimin nodded and left the room, looking around for you. You were nowhere to be seen.

He rushed outside and you weren't found anywhere. He walked inside, "have you seen y/n?" Jimin asked his hyungs. They all looked at each other, "we thought she was with you.." Jimin's eyes widened, "WHAT WE'RE YOU GUYS DOING?"

"Umm.." they all looked at each other.

Hoseok played Red Velvet's Dumb Dumb loudly and started dancing to it. Seokjin, Namjoon, and Yoongi started cheering for him. "Go, go, go, go, go!" They repeated as they punched the air.

Jimin groaned slightly, "where could she be.." he asked himself. "Who's where?" Jungkook came out of nowhere, startling the small boy.

"A-Ah, Jungkook-ssi. You were just in time!" Jimin said, laughing nervously. "What happened? Did another kitten get lost in this neighborhood again?" He asked and took a sip from his water.

Jimin chuckled nervously, " uhh..we sort of.." Jungkook raised his eyebrows as he continued to drink his water. "We sort of lost y/n." Jungkook spits out the water in his mouth at his hyung.

"WHAT?!" He raised his voice. "Were sorry!" Jimin clasped his hands together and bowed. Jungkook shook his head and just left the house, running around without any shoes on.

He ran around and just ran where ever he can. He didn't think of anything else but where you were. "For a small, ingured woman, she's fast." He said and continued to run.

After a while of running, he stopped and leaned against his knees, breathing heavily. "Goddammit." He panted. "If I were a small, ingured woman where would I go when a friend upsets me..?" He paused for a second.

Jungkook ran towards the playground. And stopped when he reached there. He looked around and saw no sign of you. "Aish.." he swore under his breath.

There weren't any people at the park since the weather was really cold. He sighed, just looked around.

A figure was walking alone. Jungkook noticed how the figure was struggling. He got the hint and walked towards the figure who he assumed was you.

You sighed as you walked around. "Goddammit.." you wiped your tears away and sniffled. "y/n?" A voice called. And you knew who owned that voice. You started speeding up your walk but Jungkook got hold of your wrist.

"Please, listen to me." He said. You tried pulling your hand away but failed. "Stop running away from me. You know I'll never stop trying to find you." He said with a serious tone.

You clenched your jaw, fighting the tears but failed. You tried escaping his grip more. But Jungkook held onto your wrist tightly. But not to the point it was painful.

" go, Jungkook." You said and didn't make eye contact with him. He was behind you, holding your wrist. "And if I won't?" Jungkook asked. You groaned, knowing he was teasing you.

He chuckled lightly. You finally escaped his grip and folded your arms, walking away. Jungkook smiled lightly at you playing hard to get.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on your head. You tried escaping his embrace but he had a good grip on you.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked. You sighed and didn't respond. He went closer to your ear and whispered, "I love you."

Your eyes widened and you immediately felt your cheeks burning up. He chuckled, "cutie." He thought.

"What's with the sudden confession?" You folded your arms and mumbled. His chin was still resting on top of your head, "I wanted to tell you because..I'm afraid it may be too late when I confess my feelings to you." He said.

You stayed silent. "So if you don't feel the same way, at least I got to tell you my feelings." Jungkook still hugged you from behind, not even thinking of letting you go. You stopped struggling and just stopped trying to escape.

Jungkook sighed, "you don't have to respond. I just want to tell you..everything." He said. You slowly nodded.

He took deep breaths, "I was the one that saved you last night." Your eyes widened. "I told everyone to come up with a lie so you wouldn't think it was me." He paused. "So if you're asking, I just didn't want anything bad happening to you because of me."

"From what I said on that new year party, I want to give us a chance. I want you to give me a chance. But if you don't want to, it's completely fine with me." He chuckled, "I just want you safe honestly."

"But I just want to let you know that I will always be there for you. On your darkest times and on your brightest times. matter what happens, I--" he stopped when he felt arms wrapped around him. He slowly looked down and saw you hugging him tightly.

Jungkook chuckled and slowly hugged you back. "You idiot.." you mumbled, making him laugh. "Well, I'm your idiot."

"Oh and by the way," you raised your eyebrows. "Are you falling for me? Or is your heart just fluttering because of me?" You playfully pushed him away and started walking away from him.

"Yah! I was just joking." You ignored him, making him smile lightly. He ran after you, "wait up!"


..idk how to end this book anymore, lord help me

i hope you guys enjoyed my christmas gift :'^))

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