Chapter Twenty Six

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Junyung glared at the boy and grabbed him by his collar. He pushed him against the wall, glaring at him.

You panicked and grabbed Junyung's wrist, "Junyung stop--" he escaped your grip and faced Jungkook.

"What are you doing in my house?" Junyung asked, almost yelling at him. Jungkook didn't fight back. "Stop looking at me like that."

"I'm not going to fight you." Jungkook stated. Junyung chuckled, "try me."

You quickly slapped Junyung. Jungkook's eyes widened.

"Junyung, stop that." You scolded. Junyung turned to look at you, "this is what I get for protecting you?"

Before you could respond, he walked out of the closet. You ran after him.

"Junyung--" you grabbed his wrist but he rejected you. "I get that you've been protecting me and all, have no right to treat Jungkook like this."

He chuckled, slamming his fists against the wooden table. "He deserves a fucking beating for leaving you like that. I'm here protecting your ass and you're telling me I'm doing shit wrong? What has gotten into you."

You sighed, "I know Jungkook and I didn't really..have the best ending but were good now." You looked at his hand that was bruised from slamming it on the table.

You grabbed it and held it. "I want you to trust me, Junyung." You smiled lightly at him. He sighed, "fine."

Jungkook came out of the closet as his arm was massaging his shoulder. You both looked at him.

Junyung sighed, "go to him." Your eyes widened, "r-really?" He nodded.

You quickly walked towards Jungkook, "are you okay?" You asked him as he slowly nodded in response.

Junyung watched the two of you. He decided to stay in his room.

As he passed by, Jungkook couldn't help but feel sorry.

Junyung stayed in his room for about half an hour. Jungkook knocked on his door. "Who is it?" He asked.

Jungkook slowly opened the door, "it's me.." he said awkwardly. Junyung turned to him.

Jungkook closed the door behind him and walked towards the man. "I just wanted to apologize." Jungkook said doing a 90 degree bow.

"For what?" Junyung asked. He sighed, "You already know what I'm apologizing for." He slowly nodded.

"And I'm sorry if I crashed at your place without permission, almost destroyed your closet, and I'm mostly sorry if I ruined your relationship with y/n."

Junyung was beyond shocked. He didn't expect the older to be..respectful. Jungkook was just a few months older than Junyung.

He sighed, "I'm gonna give you one last shot, Jeon." Jungkook's eyes widened, "w-what?"

"You better be a good person to y/n or I swear I will ruin that pretty face of yours." Jungkook smiled widely and nodded. "I won't disappoint you."

Junyung held his hand up high, startling Jungkook. He took the high five, "I did miss your stupidity." Junyung said, laughing.

"HEY!" Jungkook yelled.

You were actually eavesdropping on their conversation. You hate it when Junyung sometimes acts like a complete father when it comes to you.

You decided to leave the conversation be when you heard them laughing.

You and Jungkook decided to stay in your room. Sounds weird, but it's really not.

It wasn't really your room, it was just the guest's bedroom.

You completely forgot there were pictures everywhere. Like you and Junyung in high school. You and Mina.  And of course,

You and Jungkook.

Jungkook's eyes widened when he saw the photo. Your eyes widened and quickly covered it, "o-oh, shit I forgot it was there."

Jungkook gently pushed you away, "it's fine," he looked at the photo. You bit your lip as you watched his dead emotion. There wasn't even any emotion.

" got shorter." He suddenly said. Your eyes widened, "W-WHAT?" He points at the photo, "see?"

"For your information, I grew!" You yelled at him. He rolled his eyes, patting your head.

"You're still the same y/n I know and lo--" he quickly paused. You didn't know what to say.

"Umm.." Jungkook looked away. You felt your face heating up. "Shit," you and Jungkook swear at the same time in your heads.

"It's..happening again."

It ended up with Junyung barging in the room, breaking the silence.

Jungkook had to go, but he did invite Junyung to the New Years party Bangtan was planning on throwing. It's going to be tomorrow, which is pretty fast.

As you were gonna head back in your room, you received a text.


what's up?

i just wanted
to ask if you were
interested in
going on a date

Your eyes widened.


you know, just us
two, hanging out

You just froze. You didn't know what to say or do. Your mind was flooded with thoughts. Why is he asking you out?


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