Chapter Twenty One

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The silence remained the same. You kept gazing deeply into his eyes and so did he.

"Hey, y/n I just want to see if--" Yoongi barged in and paused.

You and Jungkook quickly looked away from each other. "Whoa..did I ruin something?" He said, looking at the two of you.

"N-No, hyung." Jungkook said. "W-We were just t-talking about something." You stuttered. Yoongi smirked, "alright.." he slowly left the room.

"So, umm..I can't change Junyung's thoughts, right?" He asked. You slowly shrugged, "I don't know,"

Jungkook heaved a breath, "alright," he slowly stood up, "I'm going to uhh..check on the others." He said.

You slowly stood up, "s-sure," he slowly walked towards the door and left.

The moment he closed the door, you slapped yourself. "What was that.." you groaned, "oh come on. Did I really just fantasize about his eyes??" You asked yourself.

You immediately slapped yourself even more. "He's your ex, y/n. It can't happen." You told yourself. "I mean, he's a nice ex."

You quickly gave yourself a dafuq face and you shake these thoughts out of your head.

Jungkook walked down the stairs and the moment he stepped down, he slammed his head against the wall.

"Goddammit, Jungkook. Why were you fantasizing about y/n's eyes?" He swore to himself. "I mean..her beautiful eyes--" he slapped himself.

Namjoon continued to mix his coffee with his spoon, raising one eyebrow as he looks at Jungkook.

"Umm..are you okay?" Namjoon asked.

Jungkook quickly stood up straight and faced Namjoon, giving him an awkward smile.

"Where's umm.." He snapped his fingers, "Jimin?" Namjoon raised a brow. "Y-Yeah, Jimin."

"In your room I assume." Jungkook slowly nodded and made his way upstairs.

He walked into the room and locked the door behind him. Jimin turned off his phone after spotting the boy.

"What are you--"

"No time," Jungkook said and sat on the bed next to Jimin. "Alright, but before that which pic is better?" He showed him about millions of selcas that literally looked the same.

"Hyung, those look the same." He stated. Jimin sighed, "in this picture, my eye is slightly bigger than the other, and for this one, my head is--"

"Hyung," Jungkook interrupted. Jimin sighed, "what is it?"

"So, you're telling me that you were looking at y/n's eyes for such a long time you felt lost in them?" He quickly slapped his hyung.

"Maknae!" Jimin yelled. Jungkook sighed, "you made it sound like too much!"

His eyes widened and he shook his head, "that's how you exactly said it, Kook." He said, making Jungkook slam his face against the pillow.

You walked out of your room and shoved your phone in your pocket. You planned on taking pictures on the beach.

As you were walking, you bumped into Jimin and Jungkook who just left their room.

"Oh, hey." You greeted the two, stopping your tracks.

The two looked at you and smiled, "what's up, y/n?" Jimin asked. Jungkook shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, I was just heading to the beach to take some photos." You said.

Jimin gasped loudly and held your arm, "I'll gladly come with you." He said, his eyes sparkling.

"If it's okay, of course." He added. You couldn't help but laugh, "of course I don't mind." Jimin smiled widely like a kid.

"What about you, maknae?" He turned to Jungkook. "I mean, if it's alright then sure." He said, shrugging slightly.

You three headed to the beach. Unfortunately, Bangtan wasn't allowed to post any photos that showed the location they were in.

It was safer that way. If it's a normal selca that shows no sign of their location then they are fine to post it in their Twitter account.

Jimin took multiple selcas by the shore, he's practically a professional.

You took several photos as Jungkook was just watching. He suddenly got an idea.

He slowly took out his phone and secretly took a photo of you.

Jungkook checked the photo out and smiled, "so cute," he mumbled.

You noticed his strange behavior, "what's with the sudden smile?" You asked him.

He quickly turned his phone off, "nothing,"

Jimin turned back to the two of you and smirked, "hey, why don't you two stay there." He said, making the two of you turn your heads.

"Smile," Jimin said as he points his phone at you two.

You went closer to Jungkook and smiled at the camera. He was shocked and went with it, smiling to the camera.

Jimin took the shot and checked the photo, "it's so good." He said. "Lemme see," you said and walked towards him.

Jungkook was left alone and he slowly turned, biting his lip as he felt his cheeks warming up.

You laughed, "send that to me," you told Jimin. "You really like the shot?" He asked, astonished.

You smiled, nodding, "it's cute," you replied. Jungkook walked towards the two of you and checked the photo out.

He couldn't help but smile.

The photo was cute. It showed no awkwardness and such. You and Jungkook looked like best friends. And it also felt like you guys were close like how you used to be.


these updates are killing me

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