Chapter Thirteen

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Your heart skipped a beat. Memories of you and Lee Sye played in your head. You just stood there and froze, your lips quivering in fear. The boy you feared back standing right in front of you.

Sye raised a brow, "did I say something wrong?" You slowly shook your head, lowering it. "I-I--" your phone rang.

"I'm so sorry, but I have to go." You said and made your escape. You quickly answered the phone.

"Hello?? y/n?" Jungkook asked. Your lips quivered, "y-yeah..?"

"Are you okay?" He asked. You didn't know how to respond. "Y-Yeah, so why did you call?" You asked. Jungkook paused for a second, "I just wanted to uhh..ask if you met up with the guy. You should shaken up, did something happen?"

Countless memories played on your mind. Remembering Lee Sye's overflowing obsession for you. "y/n? hello??" Jungkook asked multiple times. You snapped back into reality, "s-sorry, I just remembered something?"

"Do you want to meet somewhe--" 

"NO!" You yelled, making people around you look at you. Jungkook was shocked, not knowing what to say. "S-Sorry," you apologized.

"Its fine, are you sure you're fine though? We can talk if you want." He suggested. "I-I'm really fine." You bit your lip. "Alright, I have to go, I'll text you later." He said.

You laughed nervously, "a-alright," he hung up. You sighed a relief breath.

Little did you know, Jungkook knew you were lying. From the very start of the call. He couldn't help but realize how nervous you sounded even through the phone. He still cares so much about you, but he knows you'd be uncomfortable if he said so.

He decides to leave you alone and ask you another day.


You look at your phone's calendar and notice it was December 28. Just a few days before new year happens. You sighed and turned your phone off. You tried thinking of something to do for the rest of the day.

As you were thinking, your phone rang. You slowly got it and checked who was calling.


"Shit," you swore. You waited for a few seconds then finally answered.

"H-Hey, Junyung. Long time no talk." You said, laughing nervously. He laughed, "yeah, sorry if I haven't been calling or texting. A lot of shit happened these days." He explained.

"No, no its fine." You said. " was christmas without me? How did you celebrate?" He asked. You paused, your lips parted but no words left.

You didn't know how to explain to Junyung about you and Bangtan. You know it would be a bad idea to include Bangtan especially because you know how pissed Junyung gets when you do things behind his back. His dad mode would be on and that's not a good thing.

"Oh you know, just had fun. I told you I can have fun without you." You stated, biting your lip. Junyung paused, "..alright, anyways I'll be home by January 2." He said. You nodded, "sure,"

"I have to go, I'll text you soon." Junyung said. "Alright," he hangs up. You heaved an exhausted breath, "he's gonna kill me." You told yourself, slapping your cheeks multiple times.

As the day went by, you just stayed at home and watched some movies, doing a little of YouTube as well. 

You continued to scroll through YouTube. Almost every video was about you and Jungkook at Christmas. You swore in your head, reading the titles in your head.

"A GIRL KISSED JUNGKOOK!! (not clickbait)"

A random thought came across your head. Your insides felt like they were about to explode.

"What if Junyung goes online and sees these articles?" You thought. You grabbed a cushion and dug your face on it, yelling loudly. 

"Now I really know I'm fucked." You said to yourself as you sat up straight. So much things were happening ever since you came back to Seoul, more than you even imagined.

You decided it was time to sleep. Until you had a message, of course.


are you still awake?

yeah but I was just
planning on 
heading to bed


did I disturb something?

oh no, don't worry
about it.

haha alright


so Jimin asked me 
to text you if


if you wanted to come
with us to Jin hyung's 
family beach house
this new year

its fine if you're busy

You paused for a while to think. Was this a good idea? What if something terrible happens again?

You:I'd love to butYou: I'm worried ifsomething bad happensYou:I you remember whathappened on that Christmas party?

don't even remind me,
I'm still incredibly sorry

you don't have to worry
about it though

Jin hyung's beach house
has good security and we
came there a few months 
ago and no crimes and
such were made

so I think were good

unless you're busy but
of course, its completely
fine with us. We just
thought it would
be better to invite you

You:haha, thanks Kookie

Jungkook's eyes widened. His heart skipped a beat the moment you sent that message. He truly does miss you calling him with that nickname.

You:I don't see why not,so I'm in

hahaha that's good

let me tell hyungs


sorry for the long update, i was busy ;-;

and i'm very sorry if i take long with updates, as much as i love making chapters for daip, i sometimes don't have the time to do so. i find it hard to feel inspired when i write daip nowadays. as i was writing this chapter, this chapter took like 2 weeks for me to think of an idea. 

i really want to satisfy the readers of daip and make them want to read more.

i don't want people to stop reading daip bc its getting boring. i really am trying to make this more interesting.

especially bc of my school. its hard to feel inspired especially when formulas of math equations are all over my head lmao.

'till the next update, my fellow daip readers.

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