Chapter Twenty

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time is passing by so quickly i'm already at chapter twenty omg


You and Jungkook walked back to the beach house. Taehyung had to go with Jin to a grocery shop not far from here.

You all had your separate rooms. Well, some shared rooms but you stayed at a room all by yourself.

You and Jungkook went to your respective rooms to take a bath and change.

Luckily your phone wasn't with you when Jungkook tossed you to the shore.

You were about to head inside the bathroom but you heard your ringtone.

You walked towards your phone and checked the notification.

2 messages from junyung

You unlocked your phone and checked the messages.

junyung: i'll be home by Jan 2nd

junyung: hopefully you didn't feel lonely while i was gone

Before you could reply, he called you.

You answered his call, "what's up?"

"You don't usually take so long to reply since you're always on your phone."

"Umm..I was just about to take a bath. And hey, I was getting bored so I decided to get off my phone." You felt guilty that you had to lie to Junyung.

He sighed, "I'm sorry I can't celebrate with you. Christmas and New Year." His voice was filled with disappointment.

"It's fine, hopefully you're having fun though." You said. He chuckled, "when I get back there, I promise I'll buy anything to pay you back."

You shook your head, "you don't need to feel guilty. I'm actually not feeling so lonely."

His eyes widened, "really?" He said, shocked. You hummed in response. "Believe it or not, I'm actually happy."

"Happy that I'm not around?! How rude can you get." You laughed, "I can tell you know that's not the reason."

He sighed, "I know. Anyways, I have to go now, see you then." You nodded, "see you the--"

"y/n, I just came to ask if you had any shampoo." Jungkook barged in your room with just a towel wrapped around his waist.

Your eyes widened.

"Umm..y/n," you gulped, "y-yes?"

"Who was that?" Junyung asked.


Jungkook paused, "did I..barge in into something?" He asked. You sighed, nodding.

"Who was that?" He asked. You looked at him, "that was Junyung." The moment you said that, his eyes widened.

"Ohhh.." He cleared his throat, "so do you have any shampoo?" You sighed, pointing at your bathroom.

He headed inside and grabbed it, and before he could leave, "by the way, I'm surprised you're not complaining about me barging in your room with literally nothing on."

You shrugged. He smirked, "are you used to it??" Your eyes widened. Before you could yell at him, he just smirked evilly and closed the door, leaving with your shampoo.

You were obviously startled by a sudden almost nude Jungkook entering your room while you were talking to Junyung.

But of course, you were more concerned about what Junyung thought about when he heard a random man asking you for shampoo in the middle of your call.

You heaved a heavy breath and yelled into your pillow.

"So..wait, Junyung umm..hates me?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows.

You slowly shrugged, "I wouldn't necessarily call it hate but I guess he's still worried about me know,"

"That's understandable," he said. It went silent.

Jungkook wanted to repeatedly say sorry to you about the incident that happened. Like him leaving you for his career. But he knew you'd just be uncomfortable. And he's already doing so well with your friendship.

All he wants was to become friends with you again. Good friends. Nothing more, nothing less. It always made him feel guilty to know that you were crying your eyes out for him when he left while he was just busy practicing to dance steps. But that doesn't mean Jungkook didn't become upset every time you crossed his mind.

"So, long story short, he doesn't want you anywhere near Bangtan?" You nodded. "More specifically, me?" You slowly nodded.

Jungkook leaned against the wall, "that's a lot to take in," he leaned forward, "so he doesn't know about..the 'kiss' that happened and that you're with us, Bangtan, miles away from home?"

You nodded, feeling even more guilty.

Jungkook held onto your hand, "don't worry, I'm here for you."

You looked at his hand that was touching yours and you looked at his eyes. They gave you goosebumps. His eyes were..mesmerizing.

It felt as if time was slowing down.

It's been about 5 minutes and you both are still looking into each other's eyes. Silence filled the room. But it wasn't the awkward silence that you hated.


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