Chapter Four

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Your heart skipped a beat.

:sooo? How does it sound?

Your lips quivered.

I-I'm sorry, t-this is just so sudden, I don't know..:

:come on, it will be fun.

Yeah, it sure will, but you know what happened with me and Jungkook:

:past is past,


:come on, y/n.

I don't know..:

:what if you don't have to talk to him?

:just stick with me the whole time or the others

I-I'll think about it:

:the party isn't some huge party if you're wondering. Just a small Christmas party, maybe even a New Years party.


"Jiminie, BangPD wants to talk to you." Someone said. "Alright," you heard Jimin reply

:I'll talk to you later, save my number by the way

I sure will:

:alright, bye

He hung up. You let out a sigh of relief. You went on his number and saved it, throwing your phone across the couch, yelling into the cushion. "There is no way I'm—" you paused and messed your hair up, groaning.

"D-Don't worry, you don't have to see him. You don't have to see him. You don't have to see him." You continued. 


I walked out of the room of BangPD, brushing my hair back. Taehyung approached me, "Jiminie, have you seen Jungkook?" He asked.

I slowly started to stop my tracks, looking at him, "he should be in his room resting."

Taehyung shook his head, making me worry slightly. "I'm sure maknae is just somewhere being the maknae."

Taehyung opened his mouth and shut them, hesitating. I raised a brow, "what?" He looked at me concerningly, "you do know our maknae is more mature than any of us, right?"

I chuckled, "I guess so," I shrugged it off, "I'm sure he'll be fine."


I looked around the busy street, swearing continuously in my head. "Shit..where am I?" I mumbled under my mask. 

I took a breath, "it'll be fine," I started walking to a direction I didn't know of. I felt multiple stares, making me pull my cap closer to my eyes, making sure the shadow of the cap hides my identity.

I passed by a TV shop, hearing multiple girls squealing. I slowly stopped my tracks and turned my head to look at them.

"Oh my God, did you hear? BTS is here. In SEOUL." A girl with a crop top widened her eyes at her friends, who were shocked. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" The two friends yelled at the same time.

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