Chapter Eleven

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"Well, this may be strange but a woman dropped her phone when she ran out of the bus and I went to her contacts and called the most recent person the owner was talking to."

I rubbed my temple, "she's as clumsy as ever." I mumbled. "C-Come again, sir?" He asked.

I laughed awkwardly, "oh nothing, so where do we meet?" I asked. "Oh, are you by any chance at Seoul?"

"Yup," he heaved a relieved breath, "that's good, anyways, are you okay with meeting me by the Seoul National Museum?"

"I'm completely fine with that."

"Meet me there in 15 minutes if that's okay." I nodded, "that'll be fine."

"See you then." The man hung up. I walked inside the room and people turned towards me, "who was that?" They asked.

I shook my head, "just someone, anyways, I have to go somewhere, I won't be out too long." I said, giving Yoongi Jimin's phone.

I walked out of the meeting room and went towards my room. I changed into fresh new clothes, not forgetting my mask and cap of course.

I looked around the place, "did I go too early?" I thought. I saw a man walk out of the bus and looked around. If I had to choose, wait and see or walk up to him and waste zero time?

I took my chances. I approached the man, "by any chance, are you the guy who called me for a lost phone?" I shouldn't have said that in that way.

The man nodded and took out what I believe was y/n's phone. I gladly took it and bowed, "thank you so much, you have saved this girl's life."

"How do I pay you back?" I asked. The man quickly shook his head, "no, no, its fine. Plus, I still have multiple errands to run. It was nice meeting you though, Jimin." He waved and walked away.

"Jimin? Did he really just--" I paused when I realized. He must've thought I was the phone owner but actually it was Jimin's so I technically took someone's phone by getting someone's phone. Whoa, that was confusing.

I walked towards my car and drove off just like that. I might as well head to y/n's place and hand this to her myself.

You walked around town, retracing your steps yesterday. But for some strange reason, the world is against you today.

Dogs passed by, there was a dog show at the park, just everything.

You glanced at the time. "Its almost 1pm, fuck me." You scratched the back of your head. "This day cannot get any worse." Your stomach grumbled.

You sighed, "I might as well get something to eat since I haven't had breakfast, or lunch. My life is miserable."


You went everywhere you possibly went yesterday.

The mall, the park, every single location. Just a few minutes ago, you went to the bus station and asked multiple drivers if they've seen a phone in the bus but today wasn't your day.

You were driving home, giving up. "Junyung is going to kill me." You groaned. "Just yesterday, I forgot about Junyung's car keys and now my phone?! Ugh!" You yelled at yourself. Rain was dropping like crazy. Like a strong ass storm.

You arrived at home and parked your car, you were about to open the door but you realized a figure was sitting by the front door. You squint your eyes, trying to see clearly through the heavy rain.

"Jungkook??" You quickly got out of the vehicle and ran towards Jungkook, trying not to slip.

He was shivering like crazy. His eyes were closed and he sniffled. Shit. He must've gotten a damn cold.

"Jungkook, get up." You said, opening the front door. He slowly opened his eyes, "y-y/n?" You grabbed his arm and made it wrap around your  shoulders, carrying him inside.

You gently placed him on the couch and closed the door.

"Are you crazy?? Why were you outside? How long were you out there for? You could've died." You spammed him with questions but he didn't answer.

He coughed and followed with a sniffle. You placed your hand on his forehead, "shit, you're steaming hot." He suddenly chuckled, "I know I am."

You gently smacked his shoulder, "its not time to joke around." You scolded. You walked towards your room and quickly grabbed a blanket, running back to Jungkook.

You helped him take his coat off. "You're gonna freeze to death with those clothes." He opened his right eye while his other eye remained closed, "so you're telling me I should take my clothes off?"

Your cheeks turned bright red, "I-I'm not saying that!" You raised your voice. He rolled his eyes, "its not the first time you've seen my clothes off."

"Correction, shirt-- wait, shit. Why am I even--" he laughed. You sighed, "I don't get why you were even waiting." You said as you placed the blanket on him.

Jungkook coughed, taking something out from his pocket. "Here," he hands you your phone. Your eyes widened, "h-how did you even..?"

"The man who had your phone called Jimin and coincidentally, I had his phone." He explained.

" you're telling me, someone took my phone and called Jimin's number through my phone and you had Jimin's phone?" He hummed in response.

"Boy..that gave me a slight headache." Jungkook smiled sheepishly.

He started to slowly stand up, "anyways, I have to get going." He said. You quickly stopped him, "oh no, you're not going anywhere."

"But hyungs are--" you hushed him, "I can't let you go because one, there's literally a storm outside that can probably bend a tree and two, you're sick and lastly, its best if you stay. I'll message Jimin since I have my phone back and tell him you'll be staying at my place."


I couldn't help but smile at y/n showing her concerned side. "I won't take no as an answer, got it?" I nodded.

She sighed and was about to leave. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her close into a hug.

Her eyes widened, I could tell her cheeks were red as a tomato. "J-Jungkook, what are you--"

"y/n-ssi, I'm feeling cold. And since you said I can't leave until I'm all healed up. Be my warmth."


"Jungkook-ah, your playboy side is showing again." You mumbled. "There's nothing wrong with a boy giving someone a hug, right?"

You rolled your eyes as Jungkook hugged you slightly tighter. You couldn't help but realize your heart was beating like crazy.

"I could feel your heart, y/n-ssi. Is your heart fluttering?" He asked, his voice sounding

"Don't bring that annoying line back, you ass. That was dead. Like high scho--" he hushed you. "What did I say about forgetting the past?"

You sighed, "why are you like this?" He laughed, "I don't know, y/n."


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