Chapter Sixteen

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most of the voting from last chapter was mostly for the 2nd one but i also want the people who voted for the 1st one to enjoy reading and i don't know what to amduabidnaind


Jimin enters the bathroom, seeing a Jungkook leaning on the sink, looking down. He walks towards him and holds his shoulder, "hey, whats going on? You've been acting strange." Jimin said.

Jungkook took a breath, "I'm fine, hyung. Don't worry too much."

Jimin bit his lower lip, hesitating to spit his thoughts out.

Jungkook turns to Jimin, "what is it?" He asked. Jimin shook his head, "nothing, just go back to the table. You made everyone worried." Jimin said.

Jungkook sighed and nodded. Jimin watches the boy leave the bathroom. He looks away, "is this because of y/n?" He thought.

Jungkook made his way towards the table and sat down on his seat. Everyone was still silent and looked at Jungkook.

He sighed, "I'm fine, Jin. Don't worry so much." He said and faces the older. Jin laughs, "was the pee good?"

Jungkook playfully rolled his eyes and Jimin finally arrived.

Everyone started talking about random things. As usual Jin inserts a bunch of dad jokes that everyone loves. Except for Yoongi of course.

It was time for everyone to get back in the van.

You stayed with Taehyung, of course. As you both headed inside, you already noticed Jungkook.

You both made eye contact and he quickly looked away, hiding his face with his hood.

You made your way inside the van and drove off with the rest.

"How long is this trip again?" You asked. "We'll be there in 5-6 hours. So feel free to get some rest." Namjoon said.

You slowly nodded and turned to the window beside you. The scenery was magnificent.


About half an hour has past and your eyes are already starting to close. You forced yourself to stay up.

But you couldn't.

Taehyung noticed your eyes slowly shutting and your head slowly moving down but you forced to lift it back up.

He chuckled, holding the other side of your face and gently makes you rest your head on his shoulder.

Your eyes slightly widened. You were touched by his actions. But you couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed.

You don't want to make things awkward and reject him. So you decided to stay.

Eventually, before you knew it,

You fell asleep.

Taehyung smiled as he hears your silent snore. "Cutie," he mumbled to himself.

Jimin looked around and noticed everyone was asleep except for Jin, who was driving.

He turned to Jungkook, "psst," he called, shaking the boy.

Jungkook awoken from his sleep and faced the older, "what?" He said, rubbing his eye with the back of his hand.

"Are you jealous of Tae?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook's eyes widened, "w-what? Hyung, no!" He said. Jimin sighed, "oh come on,"

Jungkook sighed, shrugging slightly, "I don't know it I can use the word jealous. I just want to talk to y/n without Tae interrupting, you know."

He laughed, "that's jealousy, maknae." He holds his shoulder.

"No! I just really want to talk to y/n. I want to talk to her casually like how Taehyung does." He admitted

Jimin slowly nodded, smiling widely, "our maknae is growing up so fast!" He said, playfully punching the boy's shoulder.

Jungkook chuckled lightly, "I just wanna be friends with y/n again, alright?"

Jimin nodded with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, maknae. I'll help you--"

"No, hyung." He said before Jimin could finish.

"I want to do this myself. I don't want any of you and the others help." Jimin smiled even wider, "look at you now, so independent." Jimin teased.

Jungkook sighed, "I'm not a baby anymore, hyung."

Jin laughed loudly, "you're our baby, Jungkookie." Jin said. "How much did you hear?" Jungkook asked, worried.

"Ehh, all I heard is you saying you're not a baby anymore. So what are you guys talking about?" He asked.

"Umm.." Jungkook paused. Jimin smiled, "he's such a baby, right hyung?"

Jungkook's eyes widened, "H-HEY!"

The two just laughed at the boy's reaction.


finally i can now update normally

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