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this chapter is not part of the actual book. well, its a side story.

only 90s kids can remember daip's summer special

enjoy! :D


"A haunted house?" You said, raising a brow. Jimin nodded, "there's this haunted house event going on tomorrow. You wanna come?"

"Uhh..I don't know," you said worryingly. He smiled, "don't worry about it too much. You have us, Bangtan. And Junyung." He added.

"Junyung is busy tomorrow." You said. Jimin's eyes widened, "what? On Halloween?" He asked. You nodded, "Junyung likes Halloween, believe me he does. But he's busy."

Jimin nodded. "But you're still with Bangtan." He smiled. You laughed nervously, "r-right,"

"Come on, you'll be fine." He said. You sighed, "I don't know, Jimin.." he clinged onto your arm, "please!" He begged.

You stayed quiet, biting your lower lip. "Please, please, please--" you heaved a breath, "fine, fine, fine." He smiled happily, "yay!"

"I don't have a costume though. Not only that but it's tomorrow." He laughed, "it's fine. You'll find something."

You sighed, "what's your costume?" He suddenly rubbed his nape and laughed nervously, "I..don't have a costume.."

Your eyes widened, "you must be joking." He smiled sheepishly and shook his head. "Then, do you wanna go with me to buy a costume?"

He shook his head, "heavens no. Our costumes should be surprises." He said after a laugh. You sighed, "I have zero ideas honestly." You said.

Jimin shrugged, "good luck." He said. "I guess I should start shopping." You said.

You got dressed into your outfit. You decided to keep it simple and dress as a witch.

You wore a black dress that stopped above your knees. You wore a belt and matched it with black boots. Not forgetting about your witch hat, of course.

You went downstairs and saw Junyung taking a sip from his coffee mug. He saw you and he almost dropped his mug.

"You look.." he paused. You sighed, "is it that bad?" You asked. Junyung shook his head, "n-no, it's not that."

"You look amazing." He said. You smiled lightly, "thank y--"

"Except the fact that you're dress is too high and you're showing too much skin. Maybe you should wear leggings. Or maybe change your outfit into a mime. I have a striped shirt and some pants you can borro--"

You sighed, "hey, your dad side is showing." You said. Junyung chuckled, "someone has to be your dad."

You rolled your eyes. He coughed, "daddy," he quickly took a sip from his mug. Your eyes widened, glaring at him.

Before you could yell at him, "oh look your rides there. And oh no, I have to get back to my paper work." He walked towards you and took your hat off, ruffling your hair, "bye, bye." He said and gave you your hat back, running towards his room.

You sighed and walked outside, seeing a..white van. "We decided to change it up a little!" Jimin said from the roof of the car, spreading his hands in the air.

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