Chapter Forty One

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You woke up on your bed with a slight head ache. Jimin was beside your bed, asleep. Your eyes widened, "J-Jimin?" He woke up and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands, "g-good morning." He greeted you with his cute smile, his eyes shrinking as he does.

"What happened last night?" You asked. "Umm.." his change of expression looked off. "Your voice seems very raspy, let me get you water." He said and quickly left the room. You attempted to move your legs but stopped when you felt pain.

You hissed in pain when you remembered Lee Sye pushing you towards a wooden bench, hitting your legs.

You shook your head and saw your phone. You shook your head and tried remembering the incident last night. All you remembered was Lee Sye touching you heard someone yell and you passed out.

Jimin came back inside and handed you water but you shook your head. "Jimin, what happened last night? What happened to Lee Sye?" You asked. He sighed, "you should ask Junyung. He said that only he can tell you."

"Fine then." You stood up and almost fell but Jimin got hold of you fast. He helped you walk towards Junyung who was at the living. Jimin slowly places you down and walked away, giving you and Junyung some alone time.

"What happened last night?" You asked right away. He sighed and placed his phone down and took off his glasses, "you were raped by Lee Sye, you got saved. And he's now in jail." He explained with a blank expression.

"The cops just came?? That sounds suspicious as fuck." You folded your arms. "I heard someone yell. Who was it?" Junyung folded his arms, "it was Jimin."

"Then why did Jimin look so guilty a while ago?" You asked, slightly raising your voice. "Jimin felt looked guilty because he was unsure of how you'd feel towards him. He doesn't want you to think he followed you around and stalked you and Lee Sye. Not only that but he didn't want your relationship with Jungkook to worsen."

You paused and gave up. "That's what really happened?" You asked. Junyung inhaled and nodded. You slowly got up and walked, almost falling in the process.

Jimin was in your room, getting rest. He was sitting on the floor and rested his head on the bed. You poked his shoulder, making him raise his head up. "You can rest on my bed, I don't mind." He shook his head and stood up.

He holds you and places you down on your bed. "Get some rest." He said and let out a yawn. "Were you..watching me sleep?" You asked. Jimin slowly nodded, "I wanted to check on you just in case Lee Sye came back."

You nodded. "Does..everyone know about this?" You asked. Jimin nodded, "everyone was here last night. J--" he paused when he said the letter J. "I told everyone about this and told them to stay here just in case you made it home."

"Thanks for..saving me by the way." You said. Jimin chuckled but he didn't look too happy. "What about..Jungkook? Was he here too?" Jimin looked sadder the moment you mentioned the boy. "He stayed at home..and.." he cleared his throat, "and didn't come with us."

You clenched your fists. "Jimin." He raised a brow. "Drive me to your dorm. Right now." His eyes widened and thought you were kidding but your expression taught him wrong. "B-But your leg--" you clicked your tongue, "my leg will heal in no time. Just please, Jimin." You gave him a sad look.

He sighed.

Jimin helped you out of the car and walked into the dorm. "Jimin?? y/n?? What are you two doing here?" Namjoon asked. Seokjin's eyes were wide at the back. "Where's Jungkook?" You asked, your voice slightly echoing.

Hoseok, who was dancing to Red Velvet, stopped dancing and turned his back to look at you, the music still playing. "In his room.." Yoongi said silently but still confused.

Jimin and you walked towards their room and you slammed the door open. Jungkook, who was playing Overwatch, groaned, "don't you guys understand privacy nowadays?" He said and took his headphones off and paused the moment he saw you.

Jimin let's go of you when you walked towards Jungkook. "Were you there with me last night?" You asked. His face softened for a few seconds but changed, "with you? When?"

"Last night. We're you?" He shook his head, "why would I be with you last night? I warned you about him so why would I save you?" He said harshly. You slapped him hard, making him look the other way.

"YOU BASTARD SO ARE YOU SAYING IF I KILLED MYSELF YOU WOULDN'T CARE ONE BIT?!" You raised your voice. Jimin's eyes were wide and he felt guilt surrounding him.

Jungkook was shocked as well. He wanted to tell you the truth but he didn't want any more trouble happening to you. "As long as you apologize. Then I will consider saving your ass." He said and looked at you, no emotions in his eyes.

Tears streamed down your cheeks, "y-you---you.." you stormed out of the room. Jimin looked at you and exhaled. "Jimin," Jungkook called, he raised his eyebrows.

"Take care of her for me."


my grandma and grandpa bought me monsta x's album protocol ver and decode aodndibwx

i am a happy child


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