Chapter Six

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another one bc i owe you guys for my absentees and bc i'll be even more busier for the following weeks. i am sorry TT


"y/n?" Jungkook said. 

You stood there silent. He took a step closer, "is that..really you?" 

You looked away and nodded, avoiding his gaze. You can feel the atmosphere becoming an awkward one.

He cleared his throat, "i-its nice seeing you again.." you chuckled, "yeah.."

Awkward silence.

"W-Wow, you've grown so much. I can't even recognize you anymore." He said, looking away. You chuckled, "is it because I've gain weight? Because I shrunk?" 

Jungkook's eyes widened, shaking his head. "I-I didn't mean it like tha--" you heaved a breath, "I know, sorry."

"Its fine," he rubbed his nape, "I'd be rude to myself if I were you, to be honest." You stayed silent.

"It is my fault for the whole letter thing--" 

"Please," you paused. "Don't talk about that," you folded your arms, looking away.

"I see you haven't moved on from the incident years ago," you couldn't help but get annoyed. "I'm sorry if its still bothering yo--"

You clicked your tongue and faced him, "are you fucking serious?! Do you think I haven't moved on from that incident? Don't be fucking stupid, Jungkook." You raised your voice in the end.

You noticed the words that left your mouth, you quickly bit your lip and looked away. Jungkook took a breath, "I'm so sorr--"

"Just..just don't," you turned and opened the door, noticing the door was open. You left the room and didn't even look at the boys who were eavesdropping. 

"Tae," Jimin said, signalling him to follow you. He nodded, "I'm on it," he said and followed behind you.

The others entered the room where Jungkook was. He sat down on the floor and heaved a long breath.

His hyungs surrounded the boy. Namjoon held his shoulder, "that was a bad move." Jungkook sighed, nodding.

You looked down while sitting at the couch. Taehyung sat beside you, "come on, don't be like that." He reached to hold your shoulder but you slapped it away. 

Taehyung's eyes widened from your actions. He didn't know what to say.

You sighed, covering your face with your hands, "I'm sorry, Tae. I didn't mean to ruin Jimin's Christmas party." You said ashamed to even show your own face.

He laughed, grabbing your two hands and held them. He stared deeply into your eyes, "its okay, just don't think like that. You didn't ruin anything. I guess we just got excited that we finally got to see you after these years." He laughed.

You couldn't help but smile at his positive attitude. "Wanna have a duet at the karaoke machine? I want to have a duet with the others but they're too busy. Plus, I wanna beat the performance of Sope."

You smiled, "alright, then lets beat them." Taehyung smiled and cracked his knuckled, "lets do this."

Jungkook was being pushed by his hyungs. "Hyungs, I really don't think this is necessary--"

"SHHHH!" They all said. He sighed, "what am I supposed to do then?" Seokjin shook his head disappointedly, "that's for you to find out yourself, mr international playboy."

"HEY! Just because I'm called an 'international playboy' doesn't mean I actually am one." They all raised a brow and folded their arms. Jungkook sighed, "fine, fine, I guess I can be sometimes."

"BUT JIMIN IS ALSO ONE!" He points at him. Jimin's eyes widened and points at the maknae, "hey! At least I solve my problems. You just run away from yours." Jimin stated.

Jungkook didn't know what to say. Jimin laughed and held the boy's shoulder, "you'll do fine, maknae. Just apologize and go with the flow."

They gave him a push, making him go closer towards you and Taehyung. He turned to look at his hyungs, but they were signalling him to shoo.

Jungkook took deep breaths and approached you. 

"H-Hey," he said. You made eye contact with him. Taehyung could feel the awkwardness but he knew it was right to leave. "I think Jimin is calling me," he said, slowly walking away and blending in with the crowd.

"Hey," you said, not even meeting his eyes. "Listen y/n, I'm very sorry about--" he was interrupted by loud music playing. The karaoke machine.

You looked at him, "what were you saying?" Jungkook grabbed your wrist and started dragging you out of the noisy area.

You both went somewhere quiet. As you both went there, you could hear people doing a countdown. "What were you saying?" You folded your arms and didn't look at his eyes. "I just wanted to say--"

"LOOK JUNGKOOK AND THAT GIRL OVER THERE ARE STANDING UNDER A MISTLETOE!" A random stranger said out loud, making all the noise turn into whispers.

You felt your face heating up, you turned to look at Jungkook who's face was red as well. 

Jimin turned to his hyungs, "I thought I told you guys to keep mistletoes away?!" Seokjin laughed nervously, " wouldn't be Christmas without the sudden kiss due to the mistletoe." 

He turned to look at you and Jungkook and hid his face with his tiny hands, "this party has been a disaster for them already," he mumbled.

"DON'T WORRY JIMINIE, I'LL SAVE THIS DISASTER!" Taehyung started running towards you and Jungkook. His hyungs looked down and noticed.


Taehyung stepped on his shoelace and tripped, bumping onto Jungkook. 

Jungkook fell slightly forward, landing his lips against yours. "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Everyone cheered loudly, cameras were flashing like crazy through the windows.

You both moved away from each other, not even facing each other. Your face was red as a tomato. Taehyung looked down on the floor while his hyungs were shocked.

You felt tears forming on the edge of your eyes. You quickly started running, bumping into people. You made your way in the elevator and clicked on the button for the ground floor.

You saw Bangtan trying to run towards you, stopping you. But you pressed on the button that made the metal doors close. The elevator started moving down and you leaned against the wall, sliding down.

A tear fell down your cheek but you didn't notice.

The doors opened and you left the building without hesitation. You were flashed with cameras the moment you left the building.

You hid your face with your hands, avoiding the flashes of the cameras. 




Questions were continuously being asked. There was no way for you to leave. You just wanted to yell and vent all your emotions out.

But you had no one.


forgive me

hopefully this will keep you ''hyped''

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