Chapter Thirty Seven

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"Shit, shit, shit." Jimin continued to mumble stressfully as he walked back and forth the empty hospital hallway. Seokjin was at the corner leaning against the wall, his arms fold. Namjoon was sitting down with his hands together and his head down. Hoseok was biting his fingernails nervously while Yoongi was on his phone beside him.

Jungkook just sat there, his mind filled with thoughts. "What's wrong with Taehyung?" Lee Sye whispered. You weakly shrugged. You were nervous. You didn't know what happened or what will happen.

But as Namjoon said, "be positive." You followed as told. Mina and Junyung were out somewhere. "Are..Junyung and Mina a..couple?" He asked. You shook your head, "I don't think so. They're just really close friends, to be honest." Lee Sye nodded.

The doors opened of Taehyung's room and Jimin quickly stopped his steps and turned to the man wearing white. "Are you Taehyung's family?" The doctor asked. "Not by blood but..yeah, we are." Namjoon said.

"Well," the doctor fixed his glasses and looked at his clipboard filled with files. "Mr Kim Taehyung will have to stay here over night, he'll be better by morning." He explained.

"What happened to Taehyung?" Seokjin asked. Jimin looked at the doctor, "will he be okay?" He asked. The doctor nodded, "Taehyung has a really really high blood pressure. It's from stress and from the tests, he hasn't been eating very well."

"Thank you, doctor." Yoongi bowed as the doctor walked away. "Taehyung has been skipping..meals?" Jimin raised his voice slightly. "How did we not notice this?" Hoseok asked. "He's always said he already ate before we all eat and just watch us eat." Seokjin's eyes were wide.

"We better keep a good eye on him after this then." Junyung said out of nowhere. You all turned your heads and saw him and Mina. "Where's Tae?" He asked. "Inside the room, but we were just about to leave." Jungkook responded.

Lee Sye suddenly stood up, walking away. Your eyes automatically widen and your first sense was to follow him. "Wait, Lee Sye!" You called as you ran after him.

Jungkook licked his inner cheek and looked away. But he did multiple glances at you and Lee Sye.

"Where are you going?" You asked. He chuckled, "I'm going home. I don't feel right staying here with you guys especially from what I did." He started walking. You quickly grabbed his wrist, "you don't have to. I mean, what about tomorrow??" You asked.

He lifted his eyebrows, "you're going?" He asked. You slowly nodded. A smile grew across his lips, "that makes me so happy." You chuckled, "just text me the details, alright?"

As you were talking to Lee Sye, Bangtan heard everything. "y/n's..going on a date with Lee Sye??" Yoongi quickly covered Hoseok's mouth. They all looked at Jungkook who was just frozen.

Jungkook was silent and multiple thoughts ran around his head. And he remembered Taehyung's words. "I'm really not against that. But you may regret not telling her in the future."

Jungkook shook his head and walked up towards you. "Hey, do you have any plans tomorrow?" Jungkook asked. "Uhh.." you took multiple glances at Lee Sye who was silent as well. "A-Actually, I do have plans." You said. Jungkook laughed loudly, "alright." He slowly walked away.

He started mumbling some chant as he walked to his seat. "I thought you and y/n were doing so well, what happened?" Jimin asked. Jungkook didn't respond but just exhaled a breath and took out his phone.

The next day;

Bangtan arrived at the hospital early, they all walked to Taehyung's room and the nurse opened the door for them. They all bowed before heading inside.

Taehyung was on the bed and smiled at his friends, "you're here!" He exclaimed weakly. Jimin's first extinct was to slap the boy. And he did. And so did Seokjin.

"How dare you skip meals. Especially if it's my cooking." Seokjin spanked the boy. "How dare you not tell us about your condition." Jimin slapped him as well. "Ow, stop stop stop." Taehyung said. The two folded their arms and turned away the boy.

Namjoon laughed, "how are you feeling now though?" He asked. "Much better, don't worry." Bangtan glared at the boy, making him laugh sheepishly. "I'm being honest."

The doors opened and revealed two figures. Junyung and Mina. Taehyung froze and looked at Jimin who was ignoring him. "Are you feeling good?" Junyung asked and walked closer to Taehyung. Mina went to the other side of the bed and smiled at Taehyung.

She handed him a box filled with cookies shaped like elephants heads. Taehyung blushed slightly, "t-thank you," Mina smiled, "no problem."

Jungkook looked around, "where's y/n?" He asked. Junyung turned to Jungkook, "she went somewhere with Lee Sye I believe." Those words made his fists clenched. Jungkook smiled, "..okay." He said and tilted his head slightly.

"Kook.." Junyung held onto his shoulder. "You're okay, right?" He asked the boy. Jungkook smiled widely and nodded, humming in response.


i feel like this book will actually be a longer one than the book one, hopefully you guys are fine with it ;))

i was planning to write down a message clarifying a few things but i decided to let you guys solve all the clues i have been dropping around :)))

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