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i missed daip-- i mean, PARTNERS/LOVERS so much. :))) here's a little something for you guys



"y/n," Jungkook's deep morning voice whispered into your ear. You groaned lightly, "five more minutes.." you said with yours eyes still shut. He chuckled, "you really don't want to get off bed, hmm?"

You shook your head, smiling lightly. Jungkook slowly sat up, rubbing his head, "well, I guess you're not going to work." He smirked. Your eyes widened the moment those words came out of his mouth and fell off of the bed.

"W-WHAT?! JUNGKOOK, WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP SOONER--" you quickly stood up and grabbed your towel. Jungkook grabbed the other end of your towel and pulled you in bed.

You fell on top of him as he wrapped his arms around you. "Jungkook, I have no time for--" he gives you a gentle peck on your lips before you could finish. "Rest more, you work too hard."

You groaned, "Jungkook.." he opened his eyes and looked at you, "you don't want to spend time with me? Okay, I get it." He slowly lets go of you. You fall onto his side, looking at him. Jungkook didn't look too pleased.

After a while, a smile grew on his face, he ruffled your hair lightly, "I can't stay mad at that cute face of yours." He said and pecked on your forehead. "Plus, it's my fault."

You raised your eyebrows, confused. He chuckled, "I called your boss and told him to give you a day off since it's Valentines." Your eyes widened, "shit I forgot--"

"It's fine, I have a lot of plans in stored for us." He smiled widely. "What kind of plans?" You asked. He just gave you a peck on your nose, getting up in bed. "It's a secret." He smiled before leaving the room.

You changed into fresh new clothes and walked towards the kitchen. You've been with Jungkook for over six years now and still going. You and Jungkook still had a strong bond and you loved each other so dearly.

"You made breakfast?" You asked, sitting down on the counter. Jungkook smiled, nodding, putting all the food in one plate and walked towards you.

He grabs a piece of everything and blows it lightly, "ahh.." he said. You slowly opened your mouth as he shoved his spoon inside your mouth. Your eyes widened, "holy, that's actually really good." You said, covering your mouth.

Jungkook smiled widely, "I've been practicing behind your back." He winked before shoving the spoon inside his mouth. "So, what's your EXTRAVAGANT, EXTRAORDINARY surprise for me this year?"

Jungkook has always done surprises for you each year but sadly, you always guess.

"I'm determined to finally break my bad luck and finally surprise you for once!" He exclaimed. You couldn't help but smile at his determination. "Alright," you said as you hopped off of the counter.

"I wish you luck, Jeon." You gave him a smirk.

Jungkook dragged you inside of his car and started it, driving off fast. "Why are you in a hurry? Reservations?" You smirked. He laughed, "nice try. But you got it wrong." He said and continued driving. Fast.

He turned right, "WE'RE GOING TO THE ZOO, AREN'T WE?!" You looked at him. He smirked, "wrong again." Jungkook grabbed onto the gear stick and drove faster.

"Jungkook, you should calm down--" you said. He didn't respond. Instead, he just grabbed onto your hand and held onto it. "You're gonna lose."

It's been over three hours and you haven't guessed rightly. You and Jungkook decided to eat inside of the car. "Still not giving up?" He asked. You shook your head and remained silent, taking a bite of your burger.

"Well, eat well. Cause I'm not done yet." He smirked.

After literally all day, Jungkook parked his car outside of a restaurant. "Haven't I already guessed restaurant?" You asked. He shook his head, "you said reservations, my dear. Not dinner date." He corrected with smile.

You both headed outside of the car and the place was very fancy. "Jungkook..you do know I'm not wearing the right attire for this place.." you couldn't help but feel bothered that Jungkook drove you all day just for a restaurant.

And he knows how much you dislike fancy restaurants.

Jungkook grabbed onto your hand with a smile as you both headed inside. "Yes, sir?" The waiter asked. "Reservation for Jeon, please." Jungkook said, giving you a smile.

The waiter didn't have a pleasant look at first. "Um..you're late, mr Jeon. Your reservation ended Thirty minutes ago.." he said, fear filling his eyes. "Well, can't you just get us a table?" Jungkook asked harshly.

"W-Well, you see..it's a busy night, sir and it wouldn't be fair for those who have been waiting--" Jungkook grabbed the waiter by the collar and glared at him. "J-Jungkook!" You yelled.

Jungkook took deep breaths as he lets go of the man and walked out of the restaurant. People gave you weird looks. You bowed, "I'm so sorry." You said before storming off to follow Jungkook.

He was inside the car already, looking mad as ever. You took deep breaths before entering. You secured your seat belt. You didn't even glance at him but you could already feel the hate and anger.

"I'm so sorry, Jungkook. It's really okay, I never really liked fancy restaurants anyway." You said. Jungkook remained silent as he started driving.

Jungkook got out of the car first and slammed the door shut, entering the house. You slowly followed but you didn't enter yet. You took deep breaths and scratched the back of your head, "it's all your fault. If you just didn't have to be such a killjoy, this wouldn't have happened!"

You heaved a breath, holding onto the knob. You opened it and entered your home.

"HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!" Jungkook said loudly with his arms in the air. You were shocked. You didn't know how to respond.

"W-What..?!" You looked around and a bowl of popcorn was on top of the glass table and the TV was on, playing a movie. "That was all a trick. And I won." Jungkook smiled victoriously.

You would feel disappointed in yourself but you just felt happy to see Jungkook smiling and laughing. He walked towards you but you slapped his chest, "YOU IDIOT, YOU SCARED ME!"

He laughed, "don't worry. I payed the waiter to do that." He smiled widely, giving you a peck on the cheek. You rolled your eyes, "you're lucky you're adorable."

Jungkook smiled widely.

You both spent the night watching movies. You ended up falling on Jungkook's lap while his head was resting on the back pillows of the couch.

You were suddenly awoken by the TV. You slowly grabbed the remote and turned the TV off before laying back down on Jungkook's lap. "I love you, y/n.." he mumbled in his sleep.

You were startled at first but you smiled it off. "I love you too, Jungkook."


hope this made all your lonely valentines day better (i'm sorry if i made it worse)

this is late at night so i don't plan on editing this lmao

this will be the last special for this book ;--;

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