Chapter Twenty Seven

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You swore in your head repeatedly. Again and again. Not knowing what to do.

Junyung saw how your eyes were wide. He approached you, "are you okay?" He asked.

You quickly turned to him, "y-yup." He gave you a look on his face. A look that he didn't believe you.

Before he could say a word, his phone rang. He sighed and answered the call, walking away.

You were alone. You didn't know what to do. You have never thought of Taehyung in that way. It felt..weird.

You took a breath,


You decided to accept's probably just a friendly date. Right?

Junyung answered the call, "hello?" He walked inside his room.

"Hey Junyung," his workmate said. He raised a brow, "what is it?" He asked.

"Have you seen this article?" He asked. Junyung raised an eyebrow, "what article?"

Taehyung texted you an address. You just left the house and walked towards the nearest bus stop.

You went inside a bus and sat at an area, taking out your phone. You texted Taehyung that you're on the way.

You felt a gentle tap on your shoulder, you slowly lift your head. Your eyes slightly widened, "Namjoo--"

He covered your mouth and sat beside you. "What are you doing here?" You asked. "Well, Jin went out with the van so I had to use the bus." He explained.

He wore a mask but it was obvious to you that it was Namjoon.

"What about you?" He asked. "Well, umm.." you paused. He raised a brow, waiting for your response.

"Taehyung sort of..asked me out." His jaw dropped. You looked away, feeling embarrassed.

"W-Wait, you mean Kim Taehyung, right?" You nodded. "When did this happen?" He asked. "J-Just a few minutes ago.."

Namjoon slowly nodded. The bus stopped and it was your stop. You slowly stood up, "it was nice bumping into you." You said and got off the bus.

You noticed that Taehyung has asked you out at the park. You saw a figure sitting.

You walked towards the figure and he suddenly stood up. It was Taehyung.

He gave you a smile, "you're looking good." You smiled sheepishly, "t-thanks,"

"It's just a friendly date. Just a friendly date. A friendly date. Just a same friendly date. Nothing more." You kept repeating it to yourself.

Taehyung suddenly gets close to your face, making you feel uneasy. You shut your eyes, not knowing what to do.

"Are you okay?" He stopped and looks deeply into your eyes. You slowly opened your eyes and nod. Taehyung smiled and hold onto your shoulders, "shall we?" He asked.

You nodded in response and you two were off.

You both stopped by at an ice cream shop. "I'll have one cookies and cream, please." Taehyung said to the cashier. "What about you?" He asked.

"O-Oh, I'll just take vanilla." You said out of instinct. You both grabbed your ice creams and headed towards a vacant table.

You both sat down on the opposite of each other. You started eating your ice cream while Taehyung was just..looking.

You noticed him staring and you looked at him, "what?" He chuckled, shaking his head.

Taehyung slowly placed his cup on the table and went closer. Your heart was pounding and your face was heating up.

He wiped the ice cream off that was from your lips. You noticed how focused his face was when he was busy.

It looked..attractive.

You both met eyes and you quickly looked away. He just chuckled, eating his ice cream. The door opened and it made a bell noise.

He takes a spoonful, "say ah," he said to you. You opened your mouth as he placed his spoon in.

"Whoa, that's good." You said, covering your mouth as you chewed. He smiled, nodding.

But little did you know, Jimin and Jungkook actually entered the place and saw it happen.

Your date continued and the two kept following you and Taehyung. "Jiminie," Jungkook said as the man dragged him.

"Come on, I'm curious." Jimin said. Jungkook heaved a breath. He looked like he was uninterested on your date with Taehyung, but deep down he was dead curious.

Eventually you and Taehyung stopped. "I gotta pick something up, stay here." He said before walking away. You did as told and waited.

Jimin heaved a relief breath, "finally they stopped. Now if you excuse me, I gotta use the bathroom." He quickly started running.

Jungkook couldn't help but take multiple glances at you. Then he suddenly saw a man approach you, you looked pale.

"Its you again!" You heard someone call. You lift your head up and your heart sank.

It was Lee Sye.

"How have you been?" He asked. You were dead frozen, your lips shivered. Even your legs. "I-I've been good," you said.

He raised a brow, "are you okay?" He asked. You nodded in response. Lee Sye slowly was about to hold your shoulder.

Someone swooped in and stopped his hand. Jungkook.

"Get your hands off." Jungkook said. Lee Sye was surprised. He recognized the boy. "Jungkook?" He said.

Jungkook clicked his tongue, "don't even call me that you disgusting bastard." He said. "No wonder you looked familiar." Jungkook added.

"You're that disgusting stalker. How have you been, Lee Sye?"

Lee Sye slowly looked around, chuckling, "don't tell me you still haven't moved on from the past." Jungkook glared at him.

Then it hit Lee Sye, "that must be..y/n." Jungkook got even more pissed, "don't you even dare."

"You think rape is a good thing?" Lee Sye shook his head, "I didn't mean it in that way."

"If I see you around y/n ever again--" before he could finish he was interrupted by people.

People started looking at Jungkook and Lee Sye. He walked away from him and approached you, making your heart skip a beat.

"Are you okay?" He asked. You slowly nodded, your legs shaking. Jungkook grabs your hand and drags you.

He texted Jimin that he took you with him and that Jimin should wait for Taehyung.

You felt bad leaving Taehyung were too terrified to argue.

The thought of Lee Sye coming haunts you. It brings memories of the incident. You hated it. You wished you could forget about these certain things.

But you can't.

As Jungkook was driving, he couldn't help but take multiple glances at you.

He noticed your hand shaking. Jungkook held your cold hand. Your eyes widened.

Your heart started pounding. It brought you so much memories. Good and bad.

Jungkook's presence really did bring a smile to your face. If not a smile, it made you..calm.

Jungkook noticed how calm you started looking. He thought it was cute.

"Why can't we always do this.." he thought.


i suggest playing the OST, beautiful from the kdrama goblin when y/n and Jungkook are driving home

(thank me later for saying that)

i 100% recommend listening to kihyun's cover of beautiful (the OST)

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