Chapter Thirty Eight

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"It's such a beautiful day!" You chirped as you walked around with your arms open wide, feeling the cold breeze pass you.

Lee Sye smiled as he watched you. Nature was beautiful. It was windy and it wasn't too bright. "Isn't Bangtan at the hospital right now checking on Taehyung?" He asked. You stopped your tracks and faced him, "yeah,"

"Why didn't you go with them?" He asked. "I'm thinking positive about this. I know Taehyung will be fine." You smiled. Lee Sye cleared his throat and tilted his head slightly.

You sighed, "fine. I admit it, I didn't go because I well..wanted to spend time with you."

"You could have told me to be honest. And plus, I could have changed the time." You shook your head, "it's fine, it's too late now anyway." You both started walking again.

Jungkook walked back and forth inside his room, biting his nails. "Why are you worrying so much?" Jimin asked. "It's Lee Sye were talking about, hyung. The same man who raped my girlfriend?" He paused.

"I ex." Jungkook cleared his throat. Jimin slowly nodded, "I can't blame you honestly. Even I think something is suspicious about him."

Jungkook sighed and plopped down on his bed, "I think I'll call y/n." He grabbed his phone and started dialing your number.

calling y/n. . .

"What the hell?? She's not answering. Shit, did Lee Sye do something??" Jungkook sat up. Jimin dialed your number, "oh, hey y/n."

Jungkook's eyes widened, "she answered yours but not me?" He mouthed. "Oh, nothing. I just wanted to check on you. So, what's going on?" He asked.

"Oh, you two are going to an aquarium? That's nice." Jimin said. He laughed, "alright, bye." He hung up.

"They're heading to the aquarium." Jimin looked at Jungkook. He groaned loudly as he yelled into his pillow.

"Maybe he has changed?" Jungkook shook his head, "he will never change." Jimin shrugged, "we don't know anything but..I say give him a slight chance after their date goes right."

"THEY'RE NOT ON A DATE!" Jungkook yelled, making Jimin laugh.

"Jesus the pasta was expensive." Lee Sye said. "You didn't need to get the pasta to be honest." You looked at him and turned your phone off.

The waiter served one plate of pasta and placed it on the table. He left shortly. You looked at Lee Sye awkwardly. "What?" He looked at you.

"Where's the uhh..other plate?" You asked. He paused for a second and chuckled, "I only ordered one since-- you know what, you eat it." He said.

You shook your head, "you wasted your money on this, it's fine with me really." He shook his head and moved the plate closer to you. It went on for 5 minutes but you gave up.

You grabbed the fork and ate the spaghetti. You noticed how he licked his lips, you sighed and handed him some. He raised a brow, "just eat it." He opened his mouth and you placed it inside.

"Whoa, that's good." He said. You laughed, "I know right."

You and Lee Sye walked around the empty neighborhood pathway. It was a really..quiet neighborhood.

You spotted a white kitten and ran towards it. "Aww.." you reached for the kitten. "Umm..I wouldn't do that if I were you." Lee Sye said.

You scoffed, "what's a small little kitten gonna do?" You continued to reach for the kitten and it hissed loudly and marked a long scratch on your wrist.

You winced in pain, making the cat run away. Lee Sye runs towards you, "holy--" he panicked, looking at your bleeding wrist. "I-I'm fine," you said and tried smiling, hiding the pain.

"You're clearly not, just saying." He said. You hissed in pain. He took out a little box from his bag and opened it. He took out a small bottle of rubbing alcohol and applied it to your scratch.

You hissed loudly. "I'm sorry," he said and continued. He wiped the blood off with tissue and placed a bandage on top of it.

"Thank you, Lee Sye.." you looked at him. He smiled, "no problem." He said as his eyes sparkled.

You really did see a different side of Lee Sye. He's a nice, generous, and patient man. You were wrong about him.

Jungkook ran back and forth around Junyung's place. He sighed, "what are you worried about?" Junyung asked, placing his phone down. Jungkook sighed, "it's about Lee Sye, okay? I'm worried he did something to y/n."

Junyung chuckled, "or you're jealous." He smirked. Jungkook scoffed, "me? Jealous? Never." The door knob started moving and eventually you entered.

"Y/N!" Jungkook exclaimed excitedly, running towards you. He grabbed your wrist but you suddenly yelled in pain. He panicked and let go of your wrist, looking at it.

"Hello," Lee Sye slowly entered the house. You saw fire in Jungkook's eyes. He pushed him to the wall and glared at him, "what did you do to her?!" He yelled and grabbed him by the collar.

"I did nothing." Lee Sye said.  Jungkook clenched his jaw before forming his hands into a fist, aiming for his face.

You quickly ran between them and Jungkook ended up punching you instead. Your nose dropped down blood. Jungkook's eyes widened, "y/n--"

"Stop." You pushed him away. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--" you interrupted, "why do you have to be so fucking aggressive?" You raised your voice.

"I'm protecting you--" you groaned, "what's with you being so protective? Please, stop. I get you're worried but you have it all wrong." You pulled Lee Sye closer towards you. "Lee Sye is actually a good person." You said.

Jungkook looked at Lee Sye then you. "Your nose is bleeding you need to--"

"Jungkook, stop. I'll be okay. Now just go home and stop doing this." Jungkook sighed and just left. "I'm here worrying my ass off and you're telling me to stop?" Jungkook turned and looked at you.

"If you get fucking raped or something bad happens to your ass, don't come crawling back." He walked away without saying any other word.

"Hey, I just got back from the bathroom, what happened?" Junyung said and peaked out of the door frame.


boring update ik

so do you trust lee sye? or you don't? leave your thoughts.

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