Chapter Thirty Three

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The ride was..quiet. Something you expected, to be honest. No music played so the only thing you could hear was car engine.

Jungkook cleared his throat, "s-so, umm.." he said, nervously. You chuckled awkwardly, "y-yeah.." he heaved a breath,

"I really don't want our date to be like this. All silent and--" he paused and just stayed silent. You slowly nodded, "same to be honest.."

"I know it may be awkward especially knowing about our..past." He paused for a while before shaking his head, "lets make the most of this date before our time runs out."

You nodded at his words. He parked the car at a..strangely familiar place. You both went out and closed the car door. You looked around and realized, "J-Jungkook--" he just laughed.

He shoved one hand in his pocket and proceeded to walk. You continued looking around as you followed the boy. "I..remember this place," you said.

He chuckled, "I knew you would." He said and suddenly stood up on a bench. "I know I said we should start over and all that but..maybe we don't need to forget all our memories together."

You gave him a blank expression, making him feel uneasy. He frowned slightly and jumped down the bench, ashamed. You playfully punched his chest, startling him. "You haven't changed one bit, Jeon Jungkook." You said, looking at the sky.

He chuckled and rubbed the part you hit, "I guess..I haven't-- WAIT NO! I DEFINITELY CHANGED, I-I MEAN, I DIDN'T CHANGE COMPLETELY AND ALL THAT, I-I MEAN--I--"

You laughed and held this shoulders, "calm your non-gender specific boobs, Jungkook." You said and looked at his eyes. He stopped and gulped, nodding, holding onto his chest.

"This is just a date, it's not like were becoming anything more than this." You said. He slowly nodded. "And even if become something more, I know you won't do the same thing." You said, not looking at him anymore.

Jungkook nodded and raised his right hand, "I promise you my whole body, y/n. I won't do the same mistake." He said with a smile. You laughed, "don't make it sound like that please."

"Yes, I'll take the vanilla and the your favorite ice cream." He ordered as he payed the woman behind the counter. The woman blushes intestely as he pushed his money that he was holding, "i-it's on the house." She said.

Jungkook stopped for a while and continued to pay but the woman said not to. He eventually gives up and takes the ice cream. "You won't eat that all by yourself, right..?" The woman asked.

"Don't worry, I have someone to eat it with." He replied. "Someone, oh! You, right?" The woman smiled widely. The atmosphere between the two just changed. "Umm.." Jungkook paused, trying to think of a response.

"What's taking so long?" You asked, coming out of nowhere. "Uhh-- here!" Jungkook hands you your cone. The woman's smile fainted. Jungkook waved awkwardly as he walked away with you.

The woman sighed, "I should've charged him for that ice cream." The woman said.

" got this for free??" You asked. He slowly nodded, showing a slight awkwardness on his face. "You're a flirt, Jeon Jungkook." You said as you licked your ice cream.

"Why do you keep calling me by my whole name?" He asked. "I don't know, maybe it's because I like your name?"

"Just call me Jungkook." He said. "And if I don't?" You smirked. A sudden grin appeared on his face, "then.." as you were taking a bite of your cone, he pushed it closer to your face, making your nose touch your ice cream.

He laughed loudly as you glared at him. He stopped, "fine, fine." He grabbed a piece of tissue and went closer to your face, getting off the ice cream from the tip of your nose.

You realized how close he was. Eventually you both met eyes.

"Stop looking," you said and pushed him away as a joke. He playfully rolled his eyes as you stood up.

"I'm not done with you yet!" He yelled and started running after you. You quickly ran, multiple laughs leaving your mouth.

You stopped running and panted, leaning against your knees. You raised your head, your eyes slightly widening.

Jungkook smiled, "I see you found the playground." He said, standing beside you. You slowly nodded.

"Remember this place?" He asked, sitting on the swing. You chuckled and nodded. "I can't believe this was the same place we became a--" he paused.

"Its fine, just say it. I don't get disturbed about the past anymore." You said, putting your hands behind your back. "So, long has it been?" He asked.

"Too long." You said, walking around. He started walking around too, "I can't believe it's been this long." He said. You chuckled, "yup."

"Hey umm..y/n," his tone suddenly changed. You raised a brow. "Do you think..we can become a thing again?" He asked. You didn't respond at first. "I don't know honestly."

He chuckled, "would you..accept me though?" You slowly nodded. His eyes widened, "r-really?" You couldn't help but smile, nodding.

Jungkook's face lights up. "Man, I hope these memories never die." He said. You nodded, "yup."

"Remember the time when I didn't perform at sports week?" He asked. You laughed, "yes, I do."

You both laughed at a bunch of memories. "Man, and remember when--" he paused. You raised a brow, "what's wrong?" You walked towards him.

"Who's this?" He asked as he pointed at the tree. You looked closer and noticed,



You looked at him, "I swear that's not me." Jungkook nodded. He started walking away, licking the inner part of his cheek. You couldn't help but laugh, you still remembered how Jungkook would get jealous so easily.

You hugged him from behind, smiling. Jungkook couldn't help but smile too.



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