Chapter Ten

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You both went towards the ice cream truck, you both looked at the huge menu.

He turned towards you, "what do you want to get?" He asked. 

"U-Uhh.." you looked around the menu, trying to find something fast so the awkwardness doesn't happen again.

"I-I'll have the [insert ice cream]." Jungkook nodded, "I'll just have the cookies and cream ice cream." He said as he reached for his pockets, about to get his wallet.

Your eyes widened, "shit, boys usually pay for the girls on their dates and I don't want him to--" you didn't hesitate to reach for your wallet and took out cash.

"Keep the change," You said and placed it on the counter, leaving Jungkook shocked.

The man who got you ice creams handed the two of you your ice creams. 

You bowed, "thank you." You and Jungkook said and walked towards the nearest bench.

You both ate your ice creams but it was awkward. 

Jungkook cleared his throat, "so, may I ask a question?" He asked. You nodded, "sure,"

"What have you been doing after college?" 

"W-Well, I moved to the US and worked in my uncle's business." Youreplied. He slowly nodded, "must be easy, huh? Must be good having a family member as a boss."

You laughed nervously, "not exactly." He raised his brows.

"I mean, yeah but he can be tough. He treats me like a normal employee, not like there's anything wrong about that." You stated.

He chuckled, "I guess you've been successful, huh." He smiled lightly.

You shrugged, "I don't know if I did 'succeed', I guess I'll just find out in the future."

Jungkook nodded, "whats the business?" He asked.

"I-I don't know if I should tell, my uncle is very private about this." He gave you a concerned look and nodded.

Your eyes widened, "sh-shit, I didn't mean it like my uncle sells drugs or anything." Jungkook laughed, "don't worry, I didn't think about it in that way."

You heaved a relief breath, "good," 

The day ended with Jungkook getting a taxi and went with you. Jungkook knew it wasn't necessary to go with you, but he thought it was more safe to do so.

You both arrived at your place, "you do realize you didn't have to go with me, right?" You said, raising a brow.

He laughed sheepishly, "I'd feel guilty if I just left you like that." You couldn't help but smile, "thanks, Kookie—" you quickly covered your mouth.

Jungkook's eyes widened.

You bowed multiple times, "I am so so sorry, I-I didn't mean to—" he laughed, "don't worry about it, I kinda missed you calling me Kookie, not gonna lie."

You felt your cheeks slightly turning red but it wasn't noticeable. "O-Oh," you looked away.

"Anyways, I have to go, the others are probably getting worried about me as we speak." You laughed, "alright,"

You walked towards the front door and waved before entering the house.

You heaved a breath and leaned against the door, "today was too awkward for my own good." You mumbled to yourself.

The loud sound of an alarm ringing awoken you. You sat up and stretched, looking at the time.

"7:49 am.." you mumbled to yourself. You groaned, "why do I even have a damn alarm on?!" You yelled at yourself and shoved your face into the pillow.

You clicked the snooze button of the alarm clock. You stretched a little and reached for your phone. You reached every inch of the side table but none. Your eyes widened, you quickly sat up and looked for your phone.

You searched everywhere. Under the sheets, under the pillows, the bedroom, everywhere really.

You sighed and leaned against the wall, showing defeat.

"I swear..if I dropped it somewhere, I'm going to slap a bitch. And by bitch, I mean myself." You slapped your cheek, "you're even talking to yourself, how fucking sad."

You took deep breaths, "its okay, y/n.. just calm down. You can find the phone." You slapped your cheek again, "I mean, I can find my phone."

You went inside the bathroom and freshened up, getting dressed to find your phone. "Just retrace your steps yesterday.." you whispered to yourself. "Let's do this."


"That's all for today, our next meeting will be tomorrow." BangPD said, dismissing all of us. We all bowed as he left the room.

"Our next comeback is going to be lit." Namjoon said proudly. "We haven't even made a song yet--" Namjoon hushes Yoongi.

"I know our song will be lit. Well, I mean, FIREEEEEE!" Namjoon suddenly started to dance, making all of us laugh.
"I almost forgot--" Jimin started walking around the place, going back ans forth. "UHH.. JUNGKOOK, TAKE MY PHONE!" He throws me his phone and I caught it.

Jimin starts running out of the room. "You probably made him laugh so hard he had to pee." Jin said, laughing.

Jimin's phone suddenly rang, "Jimi--" I then realized he ran to the bathroom.

I checked who was was y/n.

Everyone turned their attention to me. "I have to take this." I said and walked out of the room.

I hesitated to answer the call.

"Hello..?" I asked.

"Umm..hello," a man with a slightly deep voice replied.

" this?" I asked, raising a brow.


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