Chapter Twenty Four

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this book is going so calmly
and smoothly (not rlly but still)

i am proud


He slowly shook his head, "don't think like that, Jungkook." He said to himself.

"But..if I am falling for y/n..she still won't accept me. Especially about the fact about how I left her like that."

He decided to just sleep. Jungkook doesn't want to assume that he has feelings for you. It's just..wrong to him.

"Falling for your ex? Goddammit." He swore in his head.

After a few hours or so, you all arrived back at Seoul.

Luckily Bangtan packed your things for you while you were asleep in the van.

They dropped you off at your place.

You headed out and Jungkook helped you carry your luggage. "I'm sorry if we had to leave early because of me." You said.

He shook his head, "it's fine, I'm sure hyungs can do something more fun for us to celebrate New Year."

You slowly nodded, still feeling guilty. Jungkook noticed the guilt in your eyes, he grabs your face with both of his hands on the side of your face.

"Cheer up, okay?" He gave you a smile. But you didn't smile.

"Don't get too hard on yourself. It's really fine," he continued to cheer you up. You sighed, nodding.

Jungkook pinched your cheek, "you're such a kid." He teased, smiling. "If I'm a kid then what does that make you?"

He laughed, "that's my girl." He said, playfully punching your shoulder. You playfully rolled your eyes, "whatever,"

Jungkook shoved his hands in his hoddie's pockets, "I have to go now," he said, laughing nervously.

You laughed nervously as well, "o-oh, right." It got silent.

"I'm just gonna.." Jungkook slowly points at the car and slowly makes his way. But then,

"Jungkook," you called. He stopped and turned to look at you, raising his eyebrows.

You walked towards him and gave him a hug, "thank you," you said, smiling.

A smile grew on Jungkook's face as he hugged you back.

You both eventually let go of each other and said your goodbyes. Jungkook made his way into the van and you went inside Junyung's empty house.

Jungkook opened the door to the van, seeing all his hyungs smirking at him. He raised a brow, "what?"

The moment you went inside the house, your face was heating up. It made you remember so much of the past.

Of how you and Jungkook used to be together and say your goodbyes. But this time, its different. You guys are just friends now.

You threw yourself on the couch and yelled into the cushion loudly, embarrassed. "What if Jungkook gets the wrong idea?" You groaned loudly.

The ride back to their dorm was filled with his hyungs just teasing their maknae.

As usual, the maknae was in denial. But Taehyung was silent. Even Jimin noticed. "Has..he fallen for y/n?" Jimin thought as he looked at Tae.

"Why are you guys even teasing them? Don't you remember their past?" Taehyung suddenly said out loud. It made the ride awkward and silent.

Even Jungkook was shocked. No, everyone was. They didn't expect Taehyung to respond to something so..sudden.

"Now, now, Tae." Jimin said.

"Taehyung is right." Jungkook said. Making everyone raise their brows.

"I did..stupid shit in the past and..I do regret them. Especially what I did to y/n. She doesn't deserve it. But I am happy were good friends now." Jungkook explained.

He has never opened up to his hyungs about this topic until now. The ride was silent.

"Plus, y/n and I simply can't happen." Jungkook said, slowly looking down. His heart ached slightly, he didn't know why.

"Even if I do end up falling for her, I don't want her to be hurt like how I left her."

His hyungs were silent as ever. No thoughts came into their mind. All they wanted to do was to listen to the maknae. They don't like it when Jungkook doesn't tell them anything and they don't want to miss this opportunity.

"It can't happen." Hearing himself say those words did hurt him. But he knows it can't happen.

They arrive at their dorm and they all headed out. They grabbed their bags and headed to their rooms.

Jungkook slowly walked towards his and Jimin followed behind him.

They dropped their bags and sat on their individual beds.

"You're amazing, maknae." Jimin said. Jungkook raised a brow, as he stared at the ceiling.

"That was..mind blowing. But.." He paused. "Are you sure you don't want it to happen?" He asked.

Jungkook sighed, "I feel like..I'm slowly falling for her all over again." He admitted.

Jimin likes it when Jungkook opens up to him. It's good to know that Jungkook trusts the boy with his secrets and thoughts.

"But," Jungkook sighed, "I don't want her to end up falling for me."


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