Chapter Thirty One

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You just stood there as fireworks continued to explode at the sky. "You don't have to say yes." He said.

"I know that..we had a terrible, terrible past and all but.." he paused and rubbed his nape, "again, like I said when we met you wanna start over?"

"I-I don't know what to say, Jungkook." You said. "It's completely fine," he looked away. "So, I'm assuming it's a no?"

You quickly shook your head, "n-no! It's not like that." You said. He raised a brow. You rubbed your elbow, sighing.

"I mean..I would say yes since..we can start over. But there are problems about this, Jungkook."

"Like what?" He asked. You leaned back on the railings, "for starters, what is Junyung going to think?"

"Junyung and I talked about this when you were upstairs." He said. Your eyes widened, "w-what?" He nodded, "I asked if it was alright, and he said yes."

You were shocked. "A-Are you serious??" He laughed nervously, "well, I'm serious about him saying yes but..he gave me a few rules."

"W-What kind of rules..?"

"Do you have feelings for y/n?" Junyung asked. Jungkook stayed frozen for a while, "why do you ask..?"

He sighed, "I'm just asking, don't worry I won't murder you or anything." Junyung said, folding his arms.

Jungkook gulped, slowly nodding. "When has this been starting?" He asked. "W-Well..I honest didn't plan on falling for her again but.." he sighed, "it happened when we were getting closer and closer."

Junyung nodded. "Do you..ever imagine yourself going on a date with her?" Jungkook shook his head. He slowly nodded.

"W-Would you mind if I did though..?" Junyung slowly looked at the boy. Jungkook's eyes widened, "I-I didn't mean it like that--"

Junyung sighed, "I guess I don't mind." He said, his face showing no emotion. "If you guys do become more than friends, please don't do the same thing you did years ago."

Jungkook slowly nodded, "that's why I don't want to date her." Junyung sighed, "not to mention your non-existing dating ban. You guys are pretty busy after all,"

Jungkook sighed, "you think I didn't know about that?" Junyung turned and looked at the boy, "you can date her. Or at least go on one date."

Jungkook's eyes widened. "But." Junyung pointed at Jungkook, "there are rules to be followed."

He nodded. "I'm not just talking about normal rules, Kook. I'm taking about serious rules that if you break one or more rule.." he paused.

"Soon your Jungcock will no longer exist." Junyung said, glaring at him. Jungkook gulped, placing his hands on his crotch, hiding it.

"First rule, don't you dare do the same mistake." Jungkook nodded at his words. "Second, no wohooing, got it?"

"Again, your Jungcock will no longer be there in those times. Calm your hormones, boy." Jungkook felt uneasy hearing Junyung say these serious rules. Especially him knowing his Jungcock is on the line.

"Third," Junyung's face turned into a caring looking one, "please, take care of her." He said. Jungkook nodded, "I will,"

You slowly nodded, "whoa..Junyung said all of that?" Jungkook sighed, "there's plenty more, but it gets darker."

You slowly nodded. "So, you wanna give it a shot?" He asked. "Jungkook..I don't mind but..I'm going back to America after a few days."

"Shit, I forgot about that.." he said. You sighed, "I don't mind going on a date with you, I really don't. There's many problems."

Jungkook slowly nodded, disappointment written all over his face. "I'm sorry, Jungkook.."

He raised his head up and shook his head. "You've got a few more days. And I'm going to risk everything for this." He said. "What if we go on that date tomorrow? If it's successful, then we give it a shot. If not, then we stay as friends."

"A-Alright," you said, slightly shocked about how determined Jungkook is about this whole thing.

"There's also another problem though.." he held you by your shoulders, looking deeply into your eyes.

"Whatever it is, it won't be a problem." You gulped, laughing nervously. "W-What about ARMYs..?"

Jungkook's face drops and his eyes widened. "Shit," he swore. "Not only that but what about your manager? And your career? Not to mention the paparazzi not leaving your ass alone."

He sighed, "I guess you're right.." he said, looking disappointed. You held onto his hands, "I'm sorry, Jungkook but..there's just too many reasons why we can't date."

Jungkook sighed, nodding. "I'd completely say yes and give this a shot but.." you paused. He slowly nodded and turned around, holding onto the railings tightly and heaving a breath.

You felt guilty for burning his determination down. You slowly walked behind him and wrapped your hands around his waist, "I'm sorry, Kookie."

Jungkook was beyond shocked about the sudden back hug. He felt..comfortable. He chuckled, "It's fine,"

It went silent. But it wasn't the awkward silence you always hated. It was just..silence.

"What do we do now?" He asked gently. "I have a question to ask though." You let go of him and he turns to face you.

"Why do you..want to go on a date?" You asked, feeling your cheeks heating. Jungkook rubbed his nape, laughing sheepishly.

"I guess I umm--" before he could finish, the doors bursts open. "There you two are!" Namjoon said. You and Jungkook quickly distanced yourself from each other, looking away.

"Did I..ruin something?" He asked. You both quickly shook your heads, "n-not at all!" You both said in unison.

"Well..head downstairs, the others are looking for you." Namjoon said. Jungkook chuckled, "a-alright," Namjoon slowly closed the door.

"So.." you said. "What were you about to say?" You asked, hiding your hands behind your back. Jungkook chuckled and walked closer towards you.

He gave you a peck on the forehead, your eyes widening. "Lets just say..I'm into you." He said, smiling. Your heart was pounding and your cheeks were red as ever.

He tilted his head slightly, "what's wrong?" He asked, but no words left your mouth. Jungkook chuckled, "Lets go." He said and opened the door.

You slowly followed and left the balcony.



please don't kill me lmao

anyways, i have to tell you guys that i will be on break for a few days, or even weeks.

i hate leaving you guys unfed but i'm getting so many people telling me to DAMN REST

hahaha its good to know you guys care though <33

i'll be back with more and improved chapters

don't worry too much about me though, and hang in there

here's a random question before i leave:

"if chimpanvee had a name for her followers, what would the name be?"

i'll leave that question for ALL OF YOU to think about. i'd love to see all your creative ideas and smile at all your comments, it makes my DAY :DD

feel free to message me, i'll try to reply ASAP

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