Chapter Twelve

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You slowly opened your eyes, seeing Jungkook close to your face, your noses touching. You quickly pushed him away, making you fall off the couch. "Aish--" you rolled around the floor in pain.

Jungkook slowly sat up, yawning. "What happened?" He asked, scratching the back of his head. You quickly sat up, "n-nothing important." He shrugged it off. You looked at Jungkook, his hair being huge of a mess. But he still looked perfect in your eyes--

You slapped your cheek, he looked at you weirdly. "Are you..okay?" He asked. You nodded, "yeah, yeah."

Jungkook grabbed his phone from the table and rubbed his eye with the back of his hand. "Shit," he cussed. You raised an eyebrow. He sighed, "I missed 100+ messages from the group chat I have with hyungs." He rubbed his temple.

"It could be anything, to be honest." He scrolled through the messages.

"Omg, Kookie is growing up so fast." He read the messages out loud. "Hopefully Jungkook doesn't do anything naughty, lenny face." You felt yourself cringe.

"It gets worse, trust me." He said and turned his phone off, his face showing disgust. "I mean..we did sleep together--"

"Jungkook, no. Just no." He laughed. "But its true though." You rolled your eyes, getting up. "I'm gonna go change, and you should probably head home." Jungkook slowly nodded.

You changed into more comfortable clothes while Jungkook was fixing his hair a little. You grabbed your phone and received a message from someone. "Hey, I hope the man from yesterday gave your phone back. I heard you were close with him."

i'm very sorry, but who is this??

oh its fine

i'm that guy from the bus last time.
you accidentally dropped your
phone and i texted the most recent
person you texted.

oooohh thank you, this is
the owner

can we meet somewhere? i really
want to thank you

no no its completely fine

please??? i really just
want to thank you

i guess i'd feel guilty if
i reject your offer

although i do have a tight
schedule, mind meeting somewhere
at 11:30 maybe?? i don't have any plans
at that time

sure! what about Hong's cafe?

that's fine, see you

You turned your phone off, checking to see if Jungkook was getting ready to go. You walked towards him and placed the back of your hand on his forehead.

Jungkook chuckled, "I'm fine now, okay?" You sighed, "I was just checking." He smiles lightly at your comment, ruffling your hair, "I'll be going now."

You nodded and Jungkook approached the door. "Wait," you said and caught his attention. He raised a brow, "yes?" You did a 90 degree bow, "thank you for bringing my phone back." You said.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile, "anytime," you both said your goodbyes and made your separate ways.

You headed towards the kitchen and made breakfast.

You checked your phone, "11:27.." you thought.

You waited for the man to come and he eventually arrived. A man wearing a coat, hat, and a mask went inside and looked around. You slowly raised your hand to get his attention. And you did.

He walked up to you, you stood up and bowed and he did the same. He took his seat and so did you.

"I ordered for us already, I hope you didn't mind." You said sheepishly. The man laughed, "its fine," he pulled his mask down and revealed his bare face.

He took his hat off as well. "Again, thank you so much for returning my phone back. Usually people would have just stolen it." The man smiled, "no problem,"

"Do you mind if I ask something?" He asked. You quickly nodded, "sure,"

"Why were you in a hurry? I know you missed your stop and all but you seemed stressed." You laughed awkwardly, "w-well, you see.." he raised a brow.

"I sort of..left my car keys at someone's place and I panicked because I thought the car keys were.. gone." He nodded, "I see,"

It became silent. "Shit," you swore in your head. As much as you wanted to break the silence, you didn't know how.

"Your order, ma'am." The waiter said and placed the orders on your table. The waiter eventually left. You stirred your coffee with a spoon for a while and placed the spoon down.

You both talked about random things was time to go.

You both stood up. And the man turned around but he immediately stopped. "I forgot to introduce myself."

He held out his hand, "my name is Lee Sye."


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